Article in Journal

Bauhauptgewerbe: Rekordklimawerte im Hoch- und im Tiefbau

ifo Institut, München, 2017

in: ifo Konjunkturperspektiven, 2017, 44, Nr. 07, 11-14

The Business Climate Index for construction rose in July to hit a new nationwide high, according to the results of the latest ifo Business Survey. The contractors surveyed continued to assess their current business situation as positive and also expressed more confidence in the short-term future than in June. Machinery capacity edged downwards to 77.8% (July 2016: 75.8%). As during the same period a year ago, 27% of the contractors surveyed reported constraints on construction activities. Unlike last year, however, more contractors complained of a lack of qualified workers (12%) than of an unsatisfactory order situation (8%). The order backlog fell to 3.3 months and thus dropped to the level seen during the same period last year. According to company reports, price increases were implemented in several cases. A slightly larger number of participants expect price increases in the short term. Companies still plan to recruit more staff over the next three to four months, with this indicator reaching its highest level since German reunification.

JEL Classification: L740

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2017