Economic Forecasts

Economic forecasts estimate how the economy will develop in the future. They focus on speed changes and turning points in key macroeconomic variables. This information helps companies and private households to make decisions on their investment and spending plans. The government also uses economic forecasts to adjust its policy instruments.

The ifo Institute publishes the ifo Economic Forecast for Germany four times a year and the ifo Economic Forecast for East Germany and Saxony twice a year. ifoCAST generates forecasts of current German GDP with the help of a statistical model that works with historical correlations. Since the German economy is closely intertwined with the world economy and in particular with the European economy, the ifo Institute is also concerned with a forecast of economic developments in the European Union and in other important countries worldwide. For its forecasts, the ifo Institute uses a variety of modern methods and critically examines the quality of its own results every year.

Further forecast in which the ifo Institute is involved:

  • The Joint Economic Forecast: A joint research project by several economic institutes on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, published twice a year.


Current Economic Forecasts

Facts 20 Jun 2024

Price-adjusted gross domestic product will increase by 0.4% this year and by 1.5% next year.

Facts 27 Mar 2024

The five leading economic research institutes believe that the German economy is in trouble. In their spring report, they have revised their forecast for the current year significantly downward and now only expect economic output to grow by 0.1%.

Facts5 Jul 2024

ifoCAST generates forecasts of current German GDP with the help of a statistical model that works with historical correlations. These forecasts do not necessarily have to correspond to the published ifo Economic Forecasts, which also take expert knowledge into account.

Facts 3 Jul 2024

The East German economy is growing more strongly than Germany as a whole. Its output is expected to increase by 1.1% in 2024, significantly more than in Germany as a whole (0.4%). Growth in Saxony is likely to be 0.4% and thus as strong as Germany as a whole, but lower than the average for Germany’s eastern states. Even the development in the first quarter of the current year was positive, whereas it was sluggish in Germany as a whole. “We are seeing strong growth in eastern Germany, particularly among consumer-related service providers; at the same time, manufacturing here is less affected by production cutbacks,” says Joachim Ragnitz from the Dresden Branch of the ifo Institute. “That means eastern Germany will probably grow more strongly this year.” In Saxony, however, manufacturing and construction are weighing on the overall result.


ifo Podcast: How Are Economic Forecasts Made?

How do economic forecasts come about? How has the coronavirus pandemic affected business cycle research at ifo? And what tools has the ifo Institute developed to respond to the new challenges posed by the pandemic?

Prof. Dr. Timo Wollmershäuser, Stellvertretender Leiter des ifo Zentrums für Makroökonomik und Befragungen

Prof. Dr. Timo Wollmershäuser

Deputy Director of the ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys and Head of Forecasts
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