Article in Journal

A collapse in investments and the legislator have a retarding effect on leasing - 23% less new business in 2009

Arno Städtler, Joachim Gürtler
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2009

ifo Schnelldienst, 2009, 62, Nr. 24, 65-77

The recession has fully impacted the leasing sector, as the latest Ifo Investment Survey of German leasing companies shows. In 2008 total new business in leasing decreased by 1.1%, and leasing's share of total investments (excluding housing) declined from 17.0% to 16.1%. New business in movable capital assets plunged in the period from January to September alone by ca. 30 percent vis-à-vis the comparable previous-year period. On average for the year, business losses in leasing will amount to almost 23%, with mobile leasing shrinking by 23% and immovable leasing by around 22%. According to the autumn forecast of the institutes for total investment in the economy, which assumed a nominal decline of 13% for 2009, this means that the leasing ratio will fall from 16.1% to 14.4% in 2009. Although the current investment cycle bottomed out in 2009, the prospects of a quick revival in investment spending are slight. The recessionary evolution of investments could last even longer. The Ifo/BDL investment indicator points to further declines in plant and equipment spending through the greater part of 2010.

JEL Classification: L890

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2009