Event – Munich Economic Debate

Bringing up the Rear or Driving Force? Where Do Germany and Europe Stand in the Digitalization of the Economy in an International Comparison?

Werner Stengg, Digital expert in European Commissioner Vestager's cabinet
7 February 2022 18:00 - 19:30

Portrait Werner Stengg

Digital Transformation: What Can We Learn from the Coronavirus Crisis?

The coronavirus crisis has given digitalization a major push. In some areas, such as working from home, it was possible to switch to the use of digital processes in a short time. Elsewhere, the pandemic has exposed deficiencies that need to be urgently addressed, such as in education or public administration.

  • In an international comparison, have other countries left Germany in their wake?
  • Where is there an urgent need for action?
  • Which areas should be examined more closely with a view to increasing flexibility?

In his presentation, Werner Stengg also discussed how Germany can use its experience of digitalization during the coronavirus crisis to accelerate the digital transformation.


General Information on the Presentation

The event was part of the series "The future of digitalization - catalyst or obstacle course for the German economy and society?".

With regard to digital transformation, the coronavirus crisis was an important litmus test, revealing immense potential and incredible dynamics. Within weeks, companies offered virtual work on a broad front, retailers and restaurants found ways to transfer some of their offerings to the Internet. At the same time, however, it also uncovered glaring gaps and inertia. Health policy was practically incapable of action because the hospital and government systems were not sufficiently digitalized and networked. Schools and universities revealed infrastructures from the past century.

  • What will remain in the coming years?
  • Were successes only temporary solutions, or will we feel the progress sustainably?
  • Have we learned something about the success factors of data-based business models?
  • Can we measure the extent to which our digital skills have improved?
  • Are we now better off in international comparison?

Video Documentation


Bringing up the Rear or Driving Force? Where Do Germany and Europe Stand in the Digitalization of the Economy in an International Comparison?


Q&A Bringing up the Rear or Driving Force? Where Do Germany and Europe Stand in the Digitalization of the Economy in an International Comparison?


Welcome Bringing up the Rear or Driving Force? Where Do Germany and Europe Stand in the Digitalization of the Economy in an International Comparison?

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