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Dr. Stephanie Dittmer und Prof. Clemens Fuest, Vorstand des ifo Instituts

Executive Board of the ifo Institute

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest (President)

Dr. Stephanie Dittmer (Member of the Executive Board)


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Press release — 25 April 2019

Les perspectives continuent de s’assombrir pour les exportateurs allemands, les prévisions à l’exportation recueillies par l’Institut ifo dans le secteur manufacturier étant tombées de 1,5 point au mois de mars à 1,1 point au mois d’avril. Le contexte mondial difficile ne présente pour l’instant aucun facteur susceptible de stimuler le volume des exportations de l’économie allemande.

Press release — 1 March 2024

Le moral des constructeurs automobiles allemands s’est légèrement détérioré en février, après une amélioration sensible en janvier. C’est ce que révèlent les enquêtes conjoncturelles réalisées par l’Institut ifo. « À – 10,1 points, l’indice du secteur reste toutefois nettement supérieur à son point le plus bas enregistré en 2023 », indique Anita Wölfl, chercheuse au Centre ifo de l’organisation industrielle et des technologies nouvelles.

Press release — 12 May 2023

Les expertes et experts d’Europe occidentale constatent une légère amélioration de la situation politico-économique dans leur région par rapport au trimestre précédent. C'est ce qui ressort de l'Economic Experts Survey (EES), un sondage trimestriel réalisé par l'Institut ifo et l'Institut de politique économique suisse IWP dans le monde entier. Dans leur publication, les deux instituts observent une légère amélioration de la politique économique en Europe occidentale par rapport au trimestre précédent, avec + 3 points sur une échelle de - 100 à + 100. Les répondants allemands portent cependant un jugement moins favorable sur la politique économique de leur pays (- 9), tout comme les répondants autrichiens (- 5), tandis que les expertes et experts suisses constatent un léger mieux (+ 1). 

Press release — 1 July 2019

The Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) has appointed Prof. Panu Poutvaara as a new member. Poutvaara is Director of the ifo Center for International Institutional Comparisons and Migration Research and Professor of Economics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich.

Press release — 13 August 2019

Les nouveaux droits de douane que le président américain Donald Trump menace d’appliquer sur les importations de Chine nuiraient à ce pays, et procureraient des bénéfices modérés aux États-Unis, à l’Europe et à la France. Mais si la Chine appliquait des droits de douane punitifs en retour, l’avantage des États-Unis pourrait se retourner contre ce pays et les pertes chinoises se réduire. D’après les calculs les plus récents de l’Institut ifo, ces contre-mesures pourraient cependant entraîner une augmentation supplémentaire des bénéfices pour l’UE et la France.

Press release — 5 December 2023

“The decline in German students’ performance in the PISA study is a cause for great concern. Good education is the most important basis for our prosperity,” says Ludger Wößmann, Director of the ifo Center for the Economics of Education. “In math and reading, the performance of 15-year-olds is a whole school year behind where it was just four years ago. This decline in educational results is unprecedented. Performance has even fallen below the level that triggered the first PISA shock about 20 years ago. In this most recent study, German students’ performance in mathematics dropped by 25 PISA points, which will cost Germany around EUR 14 trillion in economic output by the end of the century.”

EBDC Data Set – EBDC Downloads
Data and code
EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Construction
Data set of ifo's micro data.
Press release — 30 August 2022

The shortage of materials in German manufacturing has eased somewhat. In August, 62 percent of the companies surveyed reported problems, compared with 73.3 percent in July. The August figure is the lowest in over a year. This is a finding from the ifo Institute’s latest survey.

Press release — 21 November 2022

German companies are passing on their higher purchase prices to their customers, but slowly and not in full. This is the finding of an ifo Institute survey, according to which companies have passed on just 34 percent of their purchase price increases over the past few months. They plan to raise this to 50 percent by April. “This is likely to lead to further inflationary pressure on consumer prices in the coming months,” says ifo researcher Manuel Menkhoff. The companies themselves report that weak demand, competitive pressure, and long-term contracts are holding them back from raising prices.

Press release — 10 October 2023

Supply problems in German manufacturing continue to ease. In September, 24.0% of the companies surveyed reported material shortages, down from 24.4% in August. “Things are settling down,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo. The situation remains most problematic in the automotive industry, where just under 53% of the companies reported bottlenecks in the supply of raw materials and intermediate products.

Press release — 4 August 2020

Initial indications have appeared among German automotive companies that business is picking up again. This is the finding of the ifo Institute’s latest Business Survey. Business expectations improved considerably for the second consecutive month in July, rising to 43.7 points from 26.9 points in June. Carmakers also expect their exports to grow; the indicator rose to 40.8 points in July from 17.3 points in June.

Press release — 25 August 2021

Le moral des entrepreneurs allemands continue de s'assombrir, l'indice ifo du climat des affaires ayant reculé de 100,7 points en juillet à 99,4 points au mois d'août (corrigé des variations saisonnières). Cette baisse s'explique surtout par les attentes nettement moins optimistes des entreprises pour les prochains mois. L'inquiétude est en train de monter notamment dans la restauration et le tourisme. Les entreprises ont en revanche jugé leur situation actuelle un peu plus favorablement qu'au mois dernier. Les pénuries d'approvisionnement en produits primaires et le spectre d'une nouvelle hausse des cas de Covid pèsent sur la conjoncture.

Press release — 27 January 2021

German companies’ hiring plans shrank slightly at the start of the new year. The ifo Employment Barometer fell to 95.0 points in January after measuring 95.5 points in December. The lockdown is leading to more layoffs, particularly in the retail sector.

EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Trade
Data set of ifo's micro data.
Press release — 6 May 2022

In April, the number of short-time workers in Germany took a massive drop: 426,000 people were on short-time work, down from 696,000* in March. This corresponds to 1.3 percent of the workforce, down from 2.1 percent*. These figures are ifo Institute estimates based on its surveys as well as on data from the German Federal Employment Agency. “The most significant declines were again in the contact-intensive industries, which are still recovering from the pandemic,” says ifo expert Stefan Sauer. “In the hospitality industry, the number fell by more than half, while there was also a significant decline in the transport sector. And numbers decreased even in manufacturing, despite the supply shortages.”

EBDC Data Set – EBDC Business Expectations Panel
Data set of EBDC Panel Data.
EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Service
Data set of ifo's micro data.
Press release — 18 December 2023

Le moral des dirigeants d’entreprise allemands s’est assombri. L’indice ifo du climat des affaires est passé de 87,2 points en novembre à 86,4 points[1] au mois de décembre. Les entreprises se déclarent moins satisfaites de la marche de leurs activités et envisagent le premier semestre 2014 avec un pessimisme accru. La conjoncture reste morose pendant la période des fêtes.


Press release — 17 March 2023

According to figures from the German Federal Employment Agency, Germany’s automotive industry has lost 9% of its manufacturing jobs. This is what Oliver Falck, Director of the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies, writes in a recent article for ifo Schnelldienst. “We are seeing a deindustrialization of the automotive sector caused by the transition to e-mobility. Battery manufacturing, software services, and digital business models already offset part of the loss and could increasingly do so in the future,” Falck says. However, shifts in competition – especially with China and the US – will be more decisive for German automakers’ future levels of manufacturing, he says.

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