
Prof. Dr. Christian Traeger


Main Focus

  • Climate Change Economics
  • Decision Theory
  • Intertemporal Welfare Analysis
  • Environmental Economics
  • Representation & Evaluation of Uncertainty
  • Discounting
  • Cost Benefit Analysis

Professional Experience

since 08/2023

Economist, ifo Center for Energy, Climate, and Resources

since 2017

Full professor, University of Oslo


Research Director, ifo Center for Energy, Climate and Resources

since 2016

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University in Oslo, Norway

2008 - 2016

Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley

2006 - 2008

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley

Recent Publications

Publication 2021

Svenn Jensen, Christian P. Traeger

CESifo Working Paper No. 9196

Publication 2021

Larry S. Karp, Christian P. Traeger

CESifo Working Paper No. 8917

Publication 2020

Christian Traeger, Grischa Perino, Karen Pittel, Till Requate, Alex Schmitt

ifo DICE Report 18 (1), 42-48

  • Contributions to Refereed Journals
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        The Economics of Tipping the Climate Dominoes
        Christian Traeger, Derek M. Lemoine
        Nature Climate Change 6, 514-520
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Ambiguous Tipping Points
        Christian Traeger, Derek M. Lemoine
        Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization 132B, 5–18
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        On Option Values in Environmental and Resource Economics
        Christian Traeger
        Resource and Energy Economics 37, 242-252
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Watch Your Step: Optimal Policy in a Tipping Climate
        Christian Traeger, Derek M. Lemoine
        American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 6(1), 1–31
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Optimal CO2 Mitigation under Damage Risk Valuation
        Christian Traeger, B. Crost
        Nature Climate Change 4, 631–636
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Optimal Climate Change Mitigation under Long-Term Growth Uncertainty: Stochastic Integrated Assessment and Analytic Findings
        Christian Traeger, S. Jensen
        European Economic Review 69, 104-125
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        A 4-stated DICE: Quantitatively Addressing Uncertainty Effects in Climate Change
        Christian Traeger
        Environmental and Resource Economics 59, 1-37
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Why Uncertainty Matters - Discounting under Intertemporal Risk Aversion and Ambiguity
        Christian Traeger
        Economic Theory 56(3), 627-664
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Discounting Under Uncertainty: Disentangling the Weitzman and the Gollier Effect
        Christian Traeger
        Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 66(3), 573–582
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Optimal Climate Policy: Uncertainty versus Monte Carlo
        Christian Traeger, B. Crost
        Economics Letters 120(3), 552–558
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Trading off generations: Equity, discounting, and climate change
        Christian Traeger, M. T. Schneider, R. Winkler
        European Economic Review 56, 1621–1644
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Recent Developments in the Intertemporal Modeling of Uncertainty
        Christian Traeger
        Annual Review of Resource Economics 1, 26-85
  • Working Papers
      • Working Paper
        Svenn Jensen, Christian P. Traeger
        CESifo, Munich, 2021
        CESifo Working Paper No. 9196
      • Working Paper
        Larry S. Karp, Christian P. Traeger
        CESifo, Munich, 2021
        CESifo Working Paper No. 8917
  • Further Publications
  • Projects
  • Academic Background
    • 2006 Doktor (Ph.D.), summa cum laude, Economics, University of Heidelberg

      2003 Diplom (M.A.), sehr gut, Economics, University of Heidelberg

      2002 M.A., GPA: 3.96/4.0, Physics, SUNY Stony Brook

      1998 - 2000 Vordiplom (B.A.), sehr gut, Physics, University of Heidelberg

      1996 - 1997 Vordiplom (B.A.), no GPA, Economics, University of Heidelberg

  • Grants & Fellowships
    • seit 2012 NSF grant on Sustainable Climate Risk Management (joint)

      2012 - 2013 UCE3 Minigrant

      2012 - 2013 Giannini Foundation Mini-Grant
      2010 - 2011
      2009 - 2010

      2011 Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship

      2008 - 2009 COR Young Faculty Grant, UC Berkeley

      2006 - 2008 Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellowship

      2005 - 2006 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

      2002 - 2005 German Research Foundation (DFG)

      2001 - 2002 Fulbright Commission

  • Awards
    • 2010 Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award

      2007 Dulger Prize of the University of Heidelberg (Dissertation)

  • Referee Experience
    • Editorial board: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2013-present

      Reviewer: American Economic Review, Economic Journal, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, International Economics Review, American Economic Journals: Policy, Journal of the European Economic Association, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Economics Letters, Economics E-Journal, Resource and Energy Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Ecological Economics, Climatic Change, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Ethics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Climate Change, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

      Selected Non-Academic Work Experience
      UNDP/UNEP, Small Grants Programme (SGP), 02/1998 - 03/1998
      Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change, Quito, Ecuador, Internship

  • Teaching
    • Graduate Level (*=shared teaching):

      2015 Dynamic Modeling ARE 298, UC Berkeley

      2015 Integrated Assessment of Climate Change, Summer School, Penn State

      2010 Environmental & Resource Economics ARE 261*, UC Berkeley

      2010 Dynamic Methods in Environmental & Resource Economics ARE 263*

      2007 Lecture series: Intertemporal Risk Aversion, UC Berkeley

      Undergraduate Level:

      2011 Economics of Climate Change EEP/IAS 175, UC Berkeley

      2004 Teaching Assistant: Microeconomics, University of Heidelberg

      2002 Teaching Assistant: Electrodynamics, SUNY Stony Brook

  • Events
  • Press releases
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