ifo HR Survey

In the ifo Institute's HR -survey, around 1,000 HR managers in German HR departments are asked about current topics concerning HR policy. A special focus lies on the analysis of flexibilization instruments. The panel includes companies from the manufacturing, wholesale, retail and service sectors.

Survey Participation 

In order to obtain representative survey results, we regularly add new participants to the panel. Interested companies can contact us at any time. Write us an e-mail or use the application form if you would like to become part of this important survey community.

The time required for the regular survey is only a few minutes each time. As a thank participants receive the latest results of the survey for free and thus benefit from information relevant to HR policy. Thanks to the lively media coverage of the results, labor and HR issues are also being heard in the debate on economic policy.

Of course, by participating in the ifo HR- survey, you are not entering into any obligation; you can revoke your consent at any time. Your data will be used only to conduct the survey and will not be passed on to third parties. Individual responses from participants will not be published, and survey results will only be published in aggregated form. You will find detailed information in our data protection policy. 

Latest Result

Facts22 Apr 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, the Randstad-ifo HR manager survey focused on equal opportunities in the labor market, especially in light of the shortage of workers and applicants. The tools most frequently used by companies for equal opportunities are the flexibilization of working hours and of hours worked. In addition, three-quarters of the companies surveyed have changed the structure of their job advertisements and application processes in the last five years – one reason being to receive more applications.

Facts 24 Nov 2023

What does HR planning look like in companies? This question was the focus of the Randstad-ifo Personnel Manager Survey in the fourth quarter of 2023. The answer is difficult: in addition to the current gloomy economic outlook, a number of other economic and political issues are currently posing a considerable challenge for companies, not least the shortage of applicants and skilled workers, which companies are increasingly feeling and which is having the greatest impact on HR strategy.

Facts 10 Jul 2023

In the second quarter of 2023, the Randstad ifo Personnel Manager survey explored demographic change and its impact on HR policy, as well as the role of older employees now and in the near future.

Publications (in German)

Article in Journal
Johanna Garnitz, Daria Schaller, Nicole Selleng
ifo Institut, München, 2024
ifo Schnelldienst, 2024, 77, Nr. 01, 49-54
Article in Journal
Johanna Garnitz, Daria Schaller
ifo Institut, München, 2023
ifo Schnelldienst, 2023, 76, Nr. 12, 51-55
Monograph (Editorship)
Stefan Sauer, Moritz Schasching, Klaus Wohlrabe
ifo Institut, München, 2023
ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung / 100
Monograph (Editorship)
Stefan Sauer, Klaus Wohlrabe
ifo Institut, 2020
ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung / 88
CV Foto von Daria Schaller

Daria Schaller
