ifo Annual Report 2023

ifo Institut, München, 2024

The year 2023 was also marked by transformation. In times of upheaval and uncertainty, reliability becomes paramount. The excellent research conducted by the ifo Institute remains the foundation for policy recommendations and participation in public debate. Through studies, events, and media presence, the researchers at the ifo Institute contribute with facts and recommendations.

In the Annual Report 2023, we summarize events and debates, providing an overview of the ifo Institute's developments over the past fiscal year, as well as its future research and work priorities.

A comprehensive overview of the research performance, committees, and staff of the ifo Institute, along with the activities of CESifo in 2023, can be found here: Download (PDF, in German)

The ifo Annual Report 2023 was presented at the ifo Annual General Meeting 2024 on June 27, 2024.