Article in Journal

German Manufacturing: Clear Increase in Investment Planned for 2018

Annette Weichselberger
ifo Institut, München, 2018

ifo Schnelldienst, 2018, 71, Nr. 16, 46-50

According to the latest survey results, overall investments in German manufacturing, i.e. investments in new equipment and buildings, look set to fall by 12% in 2018. For 2017, by contrast, firm reports revealed an increase in investment of 3%. As in previous years, the main focus of investment activity in manufacturing in 2017 was on expanding capacity, primarily with a view to ramping up production. This will remain the case in 2018. Replacement procurement ranked second, while streamlining continues to play a minor role. Differentiated by economic sector, most branches intend to invest more this year. The sharpest increases of around 50% were reported by companies in the tobacco and clothing industries. Thanks to its high investment volumes, the planned increase in investment by the automotive industry accounted for a good seventh of the overall upturn in investment in German manufacturing.

JEL Classification: L600, O100

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