Article in Journal

BVL Logistics Indicator – Background, Developments and Results

Przemyslaw Brandt, Christian Grotemeier, Klaus Wohlrabe
ifo Institut, München, 2017

ifo Schnelldienst, 2017, 70, Nr. 20, 36-42

The Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) has released new quarterly results for the logistics segment ever since the fourth quarter of 2006. The ifo Institute started releasing the logistics indicator, which offers insights into developments in the logistics branch as of the third quarter of 2017.The fact that ifo can release the indicator on a monthly basis and that its results can be compared to those of other economic sectors are all plus points for the ifo Institute. Since ifo's business surveys cover the majority of German branches, this creates numerous opportunities to integrate the results into developments in other branches. A graphical comparison and a correlation analysis of BVL time series to date with the results now collected on a monthly basis show that the results of the ifo business surveys reveal a very similar picture of the logistics segment to that of the BVL data. The logistics indicator offers decision-makers in the logistics branch, as well as in academia and politics, a good seismograph for recording the current business situation, the business climate and expectations and for drawing conclusions and taking successful steps forward. 

JEL Classification: L800, C220

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