Journal (Complete Issue)

CESifo DICE Report 4/2015 (Winter): Personal Bankruptcy

Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015

Section: Forum – Personal Bankruptcy

Personal bankruptcy has significant economic consequences not only for the insolvent individual, but also for society as a whole. For this reason, the institutional framework of the procedure that is applied in case of personal insolvency deserves attention. In the 4/2015 issue of the CESifo DICE Report, experts analyse personal bankrupcty laws and regulations in different countries.

Articles included

Article in Journal
Michelle J. White
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 03-07

Article in Journal
Stefania Albanesi, Jaromir Nosal
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 08-14

Article in Journal
Ron Harris, Asher Meir
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 15-22

Article in Journal
Jeffrey Traczynski
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 23-27

Article in Journal
Frank M. Fossen, Johannes König
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 28-34

Article in Journal
Michel Robe, Eva Maria Steiger
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 35-40

Article in Journal
Sylwia Bialek, Alfons J. Weichenrieder
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 41-47

Article in Journal
Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen, Abdella Oumer
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 48-54
Article in Journal
Daniel Leithold
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 55-58

Article in Journal
Katrin Oesingmann
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 59-64

Article in Journal
Jana Lippelt
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 65-67

Article in Journal
Moritz Linder
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 68-70

Article in Journal
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2015
in: CESifo DICE Report 13 (4), 71