Article in Journal

Ifo Migration Monitor: Decline in Numbers of Registered Refugees – Labour Market Situation for Asylum-Seekers Is Difficult

Daniela Wech
ifo Institut, München, 2016

ifo Schnelldienst, 2016, 69, Nr. 12, 68-73

This article offers an overview of the development in the number of immigrants and asylum-seekers, as well as their qualification structure. The number of applications for asylum in Germany has been comparatively high in recent months. The number of registered refugees, by contrast, has fallen sharply. A central question is that of the education level of those asylum-seekers who are remaining in Germany. Non-representative information provided by the asylum-seekers themselves suggests that the share of those of who did not attend secondary school, or only primary school, is high. This information obviously corresponds to the expectations of companies.

JEL Classification: J210, J610, O150

Included in

Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2016