Article in Journal

Ifo Manager Survey: What do Companies Expect in 2015?

Johanna Garnitz, Klaus Wohlrabe
ifo Institut, München, 2015

ifo Schnelldienst, 2015, 68, Nr. 02, 50-52

According to the results of the latest Ifo Manager Survey of expectations for 2015, 61% of all participants expect the German economy to grow slowly. Only 2% are very optimistic and expect strong growth, while 31% assume that gross domestic product will stagnate. Only 5% of managers surveyed expect the economy to shrink. A look at the various branches shows that managers in manufacturing are slightly more pessimistic, while service providers, on the other hand, are more optimistic than participants on average. As far as personnel and investment plans are concerned, the positive and negative responses balanced out. Geopolitical uncertainties represent the greatest threat to Germany’s economy for most firms.

JEL Classification: L100, L250

Included in

Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2015