Article in Journal

The UNCTAD World Investment Report 2014: Developments in Direct Foreign Investment

Sebastian Benz, Joachim Karl, Erdal Yalcin
ifo Institut, München, 2014

ifo Schnelldienst, 2014, 67, Nr. 15, 41-49

In the framework of the World Investment Reports, UNCTAD publishes detailed data and analyses of the latest trends in direct foreign investment. This article summarises key developments in recent years and focuses on the main topic of this year's report, namely "Investments and sustainable development goals". The report shows that foreign direct investment in 2013 returned to growth, and that the outlook for the year ahead is cautiously optimistic. However, further efforts on the part of governments are required to create a favourable environment for investments.

JEL Classification: F210, F230

Included in

Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2014