Article in Journal

Innovation Indicators on Global Climate Change – R&D Expenditure and Patents

Tilmann Rave
ifo Institut, München, 2013

ifo Schnelldienst, 2013, 66, Nr. 15, 34-41

The invention, use and dissemination of clean energy technologies are important instruments in the fight against global climate change. Two indicators – R&D expenditure and patents – enable a qualitative assessment of potential energy innovation. A comparison of the technologies, especially of energy, climate protection and other technologies, shows that energy research lost importance compared to other fields of technology over a period of 25 years and has only been able to regain ground in recent years, not least due to the activities of emerging economies. Potential climate protection expenditure as a share of energy-related R&D expenditure has nevertheless increased more or less steadily.

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2013