Article in Journal

The German Electronics Industry: a Global Comparison

Andreas Gontermann
ifo Institut, München, 2012

ifo Schnelldienst, 2012, 65, Nr. 18, 22-26

With a global production and/or market volume of over EUR 3.4 billion, the electronics sector is one of the biggest industries worldwide. China, Japan, the USA, South Korea and Germany are the five biggest producers. Despite the unparalleled rise of China in the past decade, the German electronics industry managed to expand its position in international markets between 2000 and 2011. Andreas Gontermann, chief economist and head of the Economic Policy, Business Cycle and Markets Department of the ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V., offers an overview of electronics production and the world market for electronic goods. In his view, this market is set to grow by 5% in 2012 and by 6% in 2013. The German electronics market is expected to stagnate at a volume of EUR 116 billion in 2012, but should see growth of 3% in 2013.

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2012