Article in Journal

Euro Crisis Endangers Investment Growth– Real-Estate Leasing Expands More Slowly

Joachim Gürtler, Arno Städtler
ifo Institut, München, 2012

ifo Schnelldienst, 2012, 65, Nr. 14, 41-44

Overall business expenditure on equipment and machinery looks set to increase moderately in 2012. According to Ifo’s latest survey of leasing companies, the latter should outstrip this growth. The Ifo/BDL investment indicator points to a nominal increase in investment in machinery and equipment, including other investments, of 3% in 2012. This trend also looks set to continue in the first two quarters of 2013,at which point the pace of economic growth should pick up slightly.

JEL Classification: L600, O100

Included in

Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2012