Article in Journal

Ifo Business Survey in October 2011

Klaus Abberger
ifo Institut, München, 2011

ifo Schnelldienst, 2011, 64, Nr. 21, 41-43

The Ifo Business Climate Index for German industry and trade fell again in October. Firms’ current business situation is not quite as favourable as in the past few months. Regarding the six-month business outlook, the survey participants are more sceptical than before. Given the international economic turmoil, the German economy is still performing well. The Ifo Employment Barometer fell again in October, after having risen slightly in the previous month. Thus, the employment plans of the companies in Germany, although not as expansive as in the spring, are still positive.

JEL Classification: O100

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2011