Article in Journal

Climate protection by reduced emissions of fluorised greenhouse gasses - the example of innovative coldness and climate technology

Tilmann Rave, Maximilian Sindram
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2010

ifo Schnelldienst, 2010, 63, Nr. 18, 18-27

Climate protection is not only served by a reduction of CO2 emissions, but also by a reduction of other greenhouse gasses. This paper focuses on the so-called fluorised gasses and looks at a sector, in which these gases play an important role: the climate and coldness technology. After delimiting the research field, primarily the innovation activities of the sectors are looked at. The international patent data base PATSTAT serves as the basis of the analysis. Two data sets are described and analysed by a descriptive-statistical method. The first data set operates at the patent level and considers all patents from the segment vehicle air conditioning; the second data set operates at the level of the firm and focuses on all firms that produce coldness material condensators. Overall, these initial analyses show that considerable efforts to reduce greenhouse gasses are being made in the coldness and climate sector. Those efforts are increasingly gaining in importance that substitute natural cold producing materials for standard materials on the basis of fluorised gasses and introduce corresponding changes and optimisation processes in air conditioning equipment.

JEL Classification: O340,Q200

Included in

Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2010