Article in Journal

Are competition rules needed for global enterprise structures?

Ulf Böge, Henning Klodt, Wolf Schäfer, Wolfgang Kerber, Theresia Theurl, Georg Koopmann
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2006

ifo Schnelldienst, 2006, 59, Nr. 15, 03-21

The increasing economic integration and the diverse possibilities for global entrepreneurial activities require strategies for their implementation. Are global competition rules needed to safeguard global competition? For Ulf Böge, Bundeskartellamt, international competition policy cannot be achieved by means of “hard harmonisation” but by discussion and co-operation of the national competition authorities. Wolf Schäfer, Helmut-Schmidt University of Hamburg agrees that co-operation among the competition authorities is preferable to an administrative harmonisation of competition rules. Henning Klodt, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, stresses that global competition rules are not meant to replace but to supplement national competition law. Wolfgang Kerber, University of Marburg, argues that international competition law is not necessary but rather international procedural rules. For Theresia Theurl, University of Münster, the status quo is that rules for global competition exist only in a rudimentary form, which is because of the costs that they bring about. Finally, Georg Koopmann, HWWA, argues for an internationalisation of competition policies.

JEL Classification: F230

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2006