Article in Journal

What will the future Europe be like?

Eberhard Sinner, Manfred Wegner, Wolfgang Quaisser, Helge Berger, Volker Nitsch, Werner Weidenfeld
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2005

ifo Schnelldienst, 2005, 58, Nr. 15, 03-19

After the rejection of the European Constitution in the referenda in France and the Netherlands and the failed financial negotiations, the European Union finds itself in a crisis. Eberhard Sinner, Bavarian Minister of State for Europe Affairs and Regional Relationships, sees a way out of the crisis in a reorientation of the EU based on the principle of subsidiarity. Dr. Manfred Wegner, Munich, and Dr. Wolfgang Quaisser, Munich Eastern European Institute, discuss the widening and deepening process of the European Union. In the opinion of Prof. Werner Weidenfeld, University of Munich, "a wise course would be to tone down the drama in the further development of the political system of the EU. We should abandon the ambitious and provoking label 'constitution' and return to the more moderate term 'treaties.'" Prof. Helge Berger and Dr. Volker Nitsch, Free University of Berlin, examine the effects the introduction of the euro has had on trade.

JEL Classification: D700,F020

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2005