Article in Journal

Upswing in economic activity gains strength worldwide

Gernot Nerb, Anna Wolf
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2004

in: ifo Schnelldienst, 2004, 57, Nr. 04, 18-23

In January 2004 the Ifo Institute conducted its 83rd round of the Ifo World Economic Survey (WES) with more than 1,100 economy experts of multinational enterprises and institutions participating in 92 countries. The results show that the WES indicator for the world economy climate improved for the third straight time and now stands at 111.0 points. The rise of the indicator this time is ascribed particularly to the more favourable assessments of the current economic situation. But also the already more optimistic six-months expectations improved slightly. Overall, the latest survey results are a further indication that the upswing in economic activity is taking place worldwide and will continue to gain strength in the coming months.

JEL Classification: F010,O100

Included in

Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2004