Article in Journal

Retail development in 2000 and the outlook for 2001

Uwe Christian Täger, Günter Weitzel
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2001

in: ifo Schnelldienst, 2001, 54, Nr. 12, 30-36

In comparison to the low growth rates of previous years, in 2000 retailing in Germany achieved good turnover results of 2.6% in nominal and 1.3% in real terms. Growth was boosted by the increase in disposable income and private consumption, but retail expansion is still not keeping pace with growth in these two economic categories. Turnover in the first quarter of 2001 was somewhat dampened and increased year-on-year at a nominal rate of 1%, which was a 0.3% decline in real terms. Average growth for the year will be at a nominal rate of 1.5%, which, after including a 1.5% rate of price increases, amounts to stagnation in real turnover.

JEL Classification: E300,L810

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