Article in Journal

Manufacturing (east):
Capacity utilisation has fallen slightly

ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2001

in: ifo Konjunkturperspektiven, 2001, 28, Nr. 01, 17-20

In manufacturing the current business situation was mostly judged as positive in both west and east Germany. Whereas east-German manufacturers are less optimistic regarding the business outlook, the optimistic forecasts in west Germany waned completely. Exports are not expected to provide much stimulus either. The more cautious estimation of the business prospects is also reflected in production plans, which in west Germany are contractive, particularly for consumer goods. Since the previous survey in September 2000, the capacity utilisation rate remained unchanged at slightly under 88% in west Germany, and it declined somewhat to around 85% in east Germany (food, beverages, and tobacco excluded). The volume of orders declined to some extent in both survey panels.

JEL Classification: D240,E300,L600