Article in Journal

Bauwirtschaft (West): Geschäftsklima nahezu unverändert schlecht

ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, München, 2001

in: ifo Konjunkturperspektiven, 2001, 28, Nr. 02, 5-8

The unfavourable business climate in the west German construction industry remains unchanged. Whereas assessments of the civil engineering sector continue to trend downward, in building construction they were somewhat less negative than in the previous month. For both sectors, however, the business outlook has become more unfavourable. In east German construction industry, the business climate clearly remains clouded; the slight improvement was due to the less unfavourable assessments of the current business situation and the outlook in building construction. The equipment utilisation rate increased somewhat in the west (to 61%) but sank to a five-year low in the east (58%).

JEL Classification: E300,L740