
How Lower Bavaria Is Affected by Structural Change - An Inventory

Client: Landkreis Freyung-Grafenau
Project period: 27 March 2023 - 31 January 2024
Research Areas:
Project team: Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck, Christian Pfaffl


The aim of this expertise is to illustrate how Lower Bavaria is affected by structural change using suitable indicators for mega-trends. In a first step, the indicators are intended to record which sectors are particularly affected by the respective mega-trend. Based on this knowledge, the extent to which Lower Bavaria is affected can then be analyzed in a Bavarian and German comparison. The regional depth of the data used allows an analysis of how the Lower Bavarian districts and independent cities are affected by the respective mega-trend.


Using administrative data, an inventory is made of the extent to which Lower Bavaria is affected by the structural change. With a focus on how Lower Bavaria is affected, we analyze the following mega-trends:

  • the decarbonization of private transport and the impact on the automotive industry,
  • the digital transformation,
  • the tertiarization of the economy,
  • the energy transition,
  • the change of globalization,
  • and Demographic factors such as the age structure of the population, commuter connections and migration movements.

Data and other sources

Federal Statistical Office, Federal Employment Agency.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck

Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck

Director of the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies