Press release -

ifo Dresden: Municipalities and Federal States in Germany Employing More and More People

German states and municipalities are employing more and more people. Employment in the public sector in the federal states in Germany has risen since 2008 by 12.5 percent. In the municipalities, the number of jobs rose since 2006 by 20 percent, according to a study conducted by ifo Dresden to mark Public Service Day on June 23.

“In the past 15 years, new jobs have been created in particular at universities,” says Xenia Frei, public finance expert. “The municipalities are also expanding their administration and employing more people in daycare facilities for children,” continues Frei. Employment in childcare rose by as much as 54 percent. At 63 percent, growth in western Germany was significantly higher than in the east at 39 percent. Employment was measured in full-time positions. The part-time ratio therefore has no effect on the survey results.


Article in Journal
Xenia Frei, Maximilian Rose
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2024
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2024, 31, Nr. 03, 19-21
CV Foto Xenia Frei

Xenia Frei

Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
Harald Schultz

Harald Schultz

Press Officer