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Randstad ifo Survey: One in Five German Companies Will Not Offer Any New Apprenticeships in 2023/2024

One in five companies (19%) in Germany are not planning to offer any new apprenticeships for the 2023/2024 training year, according to the Randstad ifo Personnel Manager Survey. For the 2021/2022 training year, this figure was only 15%. This time, 14% say they will offer fewer apprenticeships compared to last year, 39% want to fill the same number of places, and 19% plan to offer more apprenticeships than last year. Just 9% of companies offering apprenticeships report that they are still in the process of filling those places.

Trade companies in particular will not offer any new apprenticeships in 2023/2024. The share here is 35%. In addition, 15% of trade companies say they are offering fewer apprenticeships than in the previous year. “The reason for this may be the lack of applicants. According to official statistics, training as a retail merchant is the most frequently offered apprenticeship; however, fewer young people are choosing this career path,” says ifo researcher Johanna Garnitz.

A full 80% of the companies participating in the Personnel Manager Survey said they offered apprenticeships. With a share of 71%, the service providers report the fewest apprenticeships. A full 80% of the participating trade companies and 92% of manufacturers offer apprenticeships.

Article in Journal
Johanna Garnitz, Stefan Sauer, Daria Schaller
ifo Institut, München, 2023
ifo Schnelldienst, 2023, 76, Nr. 09, 60-64
Harald Schultz

Harald Schultz

Press Officer