Press release -

Germans Favor a Right to Lifelong Learning

A full 77 percent of Germans are in favor of a right to lifelong learning from a catalog of options offered by companies; 63 percent support mandatory annual training courses for employees in occupations that are particularly affected by structural change; 72 percent of those surveyed consider professional lifelong learning to be a good way of keeping pace with structural change. These are the findings of the ifo Education Survey 2022, in which over 4,000 adults in Germany participated.

Germans tend to hold a negative view of the effects of structural change: 54 percent believe that it generally produces more losers than winners. However, only 27 percent see themselves on the losing side. This is also reflected in the need for professional lifelong learning: 62 percent of respondents think this need will increase for all workers, but only 48 percent expect this to be the case for people in their own profession. When people are asked about their own training needs, opinion is divided: 43 percent see a great need for themselves to participate in professional lifelong learning, whereas 38 percent do not.

Meanwhile, 57 percent would like employees to be able to decide for themselves which training courses they take. At the same time, 56 percent believe that the costs of lifelong learning should be borne primarily by employers, even if it is primarily qualifications for new occupations that the workers are acquiring.
A 76 percent majority is in favor of using standardized certificates and comparable final examinations for lifelong learning, while 64 percent are in favor of additional government information campaigns on the subject. There are also clear majorities for numerous other reform proposals that would expand government support for lifelong learning. In addition, most survey respondents are in favor of teaching basic digital skills at both primary and secondary schools.


Article in Journal
Katharina Werner, Vera Freundl, Franziska Kugler, Philipp Lergetporer, Katharina Wedel, Ludger Wößmann
ifo Institut, München, 2022
ifo Schnelldienst, 2022, 75, Nr. 09, 56-69
Katharina Werner

Dr. Katharina Werner

Senior Economist
Harald Schultz

Harald Schultz

Press Officer