Press release -

ifo Institute: German Business Climate in Food Retail Significantly Improved

The ifo Business Climate Index for the food retail sector rose in March, making it one of the very few sectors experiencing positive development. This is the result of a preliminary evaluation of the index. Assessments of the current situation rose to their highest level since German reunification.

Almost all the companies surveyed were able to increase their sales and expect their business situation to continue to improve in the coming months. A wave of panic buying has massively reduced retailers’ inventories, leading them to increase their orders accordingly. They are also looking to hire large numbers of new employees to cope with the significant increase in demand. Major price increases are not planned for the time being.

Harald Schultz

Harald Schultz

Press Officer
Dr. Klaus Wohlrabe

Dr. Klaus Wohlrabe

Deputy Director of the ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys and Head of Surveys