ifo Media Center

The ifo Institute invites you to participate in the discussion of interesting economic topics via the Internet. In our ifo Media Center a whole series of remarkable events are available and can be viewed in full length. We also record selected speeches and presentations given by employees or at events and make them available in our Media Center.

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We would like to inform you below about the processing of personal data in connection with the use of online meeting applications. Purpose of the Processing We, the ifo Institute – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Mu

8 April 2020

The Franco-German Council of Economic Experts recommends a coordinated response to the COVID crisis at European level. France and Germany should make a stand for this, says Clemens Fuest, President of the ifo Institute.

In order to cushion the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, all federal states have announced massive public aid for affected companies. This will require all of them to increase their net borrowing, in some cases substantially. Since the coronavirus crisis is an exceptional emergency situation that is beyond the control of the state and has a considerable impact on the state’s financial situation, this new debt is also covered by the debt brake rule that has been in force since January 1, 2020 (Article 109 (3) of the Basic Law).

The current coronavirus pandemic will hit the economy hard: current scenarios and forecasts predict a deep recession, the consequences of which will be all the more serious the longer the restrictions imposed on public life continue. Added to this is the collapse of global supply chains, which is hitting Germany particularly hard due to its high degree of involvement in the international division of labor. Against this backdrop, the country’s federal and state governments have decided on numerous aid measures for companies that have now found themselves in an emergency situation through no fault of their own.

With its events, the ifo Institute brings together scientists, decision-makers and opinion leaders and shapes the economic policy and scientific debate.

Event Series

The Munich Economic Summit (MES) was an international forum for in-depth discussion of European economic policy issues. Every two years it hosted top-level government representatives, outstanding international academics, and high-ranking decision-makers from business, media, and civil society in Munich. The last MES took place in 2018.

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Conference Manager
Research Network Manager and Conference Organizer
Finances and Centralized Services
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Executive Department
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ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student

The Handbook of ifo Surveys provides an overview of the ifo Institute's surveys as well as the resulting economic indicators and their use for forecasting economic indicators.

Communications, Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social Market Economy and Institutional Economics
Junior Communications Expert
Volunteer for Communications and Digital Communications
Crossmedia Editor

Nous souhaitons que le plus grand nombre possible de parties intéressées puisse participer aux recherches de l'Institut ifo - au-delà des pays germanophones et anglophones. Pour les représentants de la presse francophone, l'Institut ifo propose donc une sélection de communiqués de presse en français.  N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions sur les sujets proposés ou si vous désirez joinder un expert.

Event Series

Participants include researchers and guest researchers from the ifo Institute, the Center for Economic Studies and the LMU Munich.

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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