ifo Media Center

The ifo Institute invites you to participate in the discussion of interesting economic topics via the Internet. In our ifo Media Center a whole series of remarkable events are available and can be viewed in full length. We also record selected speeches and presentations given by employees or at events and make them available in our Media Center.

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27 June 2024

At ifo’s Annual Meeting on June 27, 2024, prizes – the ifo Outstanding Publication Award and the Roland Berger Outstanding Publication Award – were awarded to ifo employees.

27 June 2024

What happens when storytelling meets data? A visual delight. The ifo Institute has teamed up with 3D artist Patrick Doan to venture into something new. The result is truly a sight to behold. “FlowStates,” a data-driven artwork based on the figures and data from the economic research institute, is now displayed on a massive screen in the foyer of the ifo headquarters. Organic forms that constantly move and create new patterns now flow in real-time to the rhythm of current data updates.

27 June 2024

ifo Annual Report 2023 ifo aims to deliver outstanding science and contribute to shaping the economic policy debate. In a podcast recording in our ifo studio, Clemens Fuest and Stephanie Dittmer discuss how strategy and leadership can help achieve these goals. Listen to the podcast and read the full interview in the current annual report.

Richard Musgrave Visiting Professorship — 21 March 2024

Henrik Kleven is the Lynn Bendheim Thoman, Class of 1977, and Robert Bendheim, Class of 1937, Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University. He is appointed jointly by the Department of Economics and the School of Public and International Affairs. He is currently studying how child penalties -- i.e., the effects of parenthood on women relative to men — affect gender inequality in labor market outcomes. He is especially interested in understanding how general child penalties are, how they vary with political and cultural institutions, and how they evolve with economic development. 

24 January 2024

On January 24, the ifo Institute turned 75 years old. Throughout the year, numerous activities will tell the story of ifo’s and CESifo’s past, present, and future. They will feature interviews with people from across ifo, explore different places, and showcase ifo development milestones.

ifo Center for Energy, Climate, and Resources, ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys
ifo Center for Public Finance and Political Economy
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
Information Technology
IT Project manager
Survey Series

In order to increase the visibility of solo self-employed and micro enterprises, the ifo Institute has been publishing a new indicator since December 2021: the Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed, which is based on the ifo Business Surveys. Similar to the overall index, all sectors are taken into account, with a focus on the service sector. To attract new participants, we are working on this business climate index in cooperation with Jimdo, a provider of online tools for solo self-employed and small businesses, and the Association of Founders and Self-Employed People of Germany (VGSD e.V.).

22 September 2023

Economists will meet from 24 to 27 September 2023 in Regensburg for the Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik, the association of German-speaking economists. Amongst them are many ifo researchers.

ifo Center for Public Finance and Political Economy
ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys
ifo Center for Labor and Demographic Economics
Pre-Doctoral Student
ifo Center for International Economics
Human Resources and Law
LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social Market Economy and Institutional Economics
29 June 2023

We keep moving – in 2022, a lot happened at the ifo Institute. Our data center is now independent, our researchers received awards, they helped shape debates through offices, and some of our committees were re-staffed. And the Gender Task Force also developed ideas that are already having an impact.

29 June 2023

With its cover story, the Annual Report 2022 provides an overview of the ifo Institute's research priorities and economic policy recommendations.

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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