ifo Media Center

The ifo Institute invites you to participate in the discussion of interesting economic topics via the Internet. In our ifo Media Center a whole series of remarkable events are available and can be viewed in full length. We also record selected speeches and presentations given by employees or at events and make them available in our Media Center.



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993 hits:
ifo Center for Energy, Climate, and Resources
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies
ifo Center for International Economics
Director of the ifo Center for International Economics
ifo Center for Labor and Demographic Economics, ifo Center for International Institutional Comparisons and Migration Research
Team Assistant
Media Center – 18 June 2020
Joe Kaeser, Siemens AG
Dr. Elga Bartsch, Blackrock
Prof. Clemens Fuest
Sabine Herold, DELO Industrie Klebstoffe
Dr. Cornelia Geißler
Media Center – 5 June 2020
Luigi Bonatti, EconPol Europe, Università di Trento
Daniel Gros, EconPol Europe, CEPS
Jennifer Baker, www.BrusselsGeek.com
Media Center – 18 May 2020

Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller, Robert Bosch Fellow at the Brookings Institution
Dr. Marc Beise, Süddeutsche Zeitung

Media Center – 18 May 2020
Prof. Clemens Fuest
Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller, Robert Bosch Fellow Brookings Institution
Dr. Marc Beise, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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