
Prof. Dr. Lisandra Flach

Director of the ifo Center for International Economics
Professor of Economics, esp. Economics of Globalisation, LMU Munich

CV Foto von Lisandra Flach

Main Focus

  • Foreign Trade Policy
  • Empirical Foreign Trade Economics

Professional Experience

since July 2020

Director of the ifo Center for International Economics

2012 - 2020

 LMU Munich Assistant Professor, Department of Economics

10/2006 - 08/2007

Research Assistant to Prof. Wilhelm Kohler, University of Tübingen

08/2004 - 03/2005

Research Assistant at IPA-Fraunhofer, Institute Fraunhofer, Stuttgart

04/2003, 06/2005

Student Research Assistant to Prof. Fernando Seabra, UFSC University, Department of Economics, Florianópolis, Brazil


Recent Publications

Publication 2024

Dr. Florian Dorn, Prof. Dr. Lisandra Flach, Isabella Gourevich

ifo Schnelldienst, 2024, 77, Nr. 05, 24-29

Publication 2024

Andreas Baur, Lisandra Flach

ifo Schnelldienst digital, 2024, 5, Nr. 4, 01-05

Publication 2024

Cevat Giray Aksoy, Andreas Baur, Lisandra Flach, Beata Javorcik

ifo Schnelldienst digital, 2024, 5, Nr. 1, 01-04

  • Contributions to Refereed Journals
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Quality and Gravity in International Trade
        Lisandra Flach, Florian Unger
        Journal of International Economics 137, 103578
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Corporate taxes and multi-product exporters: Theory and evidence from trade dynamics
        Lisandra Flach, Michael Irlander, Florian Unger
        Journal of International Economics 132, 103515
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and Its Expected Effects on World Trade
        Lisandra Flach, Hannah Hildenbrand, Feodora Teti
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        The Impact of Multilateral Trade Agreements on World Trade Prices
        Lisandra Flach, Fabian Gräf
        Review of International Economics 28 (1), 168-208
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Product versus Process: Innovation strategies of multi-product firms
        Lisandra Flach, Michael Irlacher
        American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 10 (1), 236-277
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Income Inequality and Export Prices across Countries
        Lisandra Flach, Eckhard Janeba
        Canadian Journal of Economics 50 (1)
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        A Note on the Isomorphism of Heterogeneous Firms Models
        Lisandra Flach, Michael Irlacher
        Economics Letters 155, 24-27
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Quality Upgrading and Price Heterogeneity: Evidence from Brazilian Exporters
        Lisandra Flach
        Journal of International Economics 102, 282-290
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        The Effect of GATT/WTO Membership on Price Volatility
        Lisandra Flach, Vinh Cao
        The World Economy 38 (12), 2049-2079
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Institutional Theory and the Internationalization of Higher Education in South America: The Brazilian Case
        Lisandra Flach, Leonardo Flach
        Journal of International Business and Economics 11 (1), 25-50
      • Contribution in Refereed Journal
        Foreign Direct Investment and Profit Outflows: A Causality Analysis for the Brazilian Economy
        Lisandra Flach, Fernando Seabra
        Economics Bulletin 6 (1), 1-15
  • Working Papers
  • Further Publications
  • Projects
  • Academic Background
    • 2007-2012 PhD in Economics (Dr. rer. pol., summa cum laude), University of Mannheim, CDSE - Center for Doctoral Studies in Economics

      2010 Affiliate Graduate Student, University of California, San Diego

      2001-2006 Economics, Degree, 4.5-year degree, UFSC - Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Prize for the highest final GPA

      2001– 2006 Business Administration Degree, 5-year, UDESC/ESAG - Santa Catarina State University, Brazil.

  • Short Term Visiting Positions
    • 01-02/2018 University of California, San Diego Visiting Researcher, Economics Department

      28.11-12/2016 Harvard University Visiting Researcher, Economics Department

      09-10/2015 Columbia University Visiting Scholar, Economics Department

  • Scholarships, Awards and Prizes
    • 2022: Capital "Top 40 unter 40"

      2021: Capital "Top 40 unter 40", Handelsblatt "100 Frauen, die Deutschland bewegen", Wirtschaftswoche "10 Deutschlands spannendste Nachwuchs-Ökonomen"

      Modigliani Research Grant (2018), UniCredit & Universities Foundation.

      SFB Mobility Grant (2018), Sonderforschungsbereich CRC TRR 190, German Research Foundation.

      DFG Research Grant (2016-2018), German Research Foundation. Project: Internationalization Strategies of Multi-Product Firms, with Carsten Eckel and Michael Irlacher.

      Young Economist Award, 7th FIW Conference, Vienna, 2014. Joint paper with Michael Irlacher: Product versus Process: Innovation Strategies of Multi-Product Firms.

      Best Paper Award at the 10th GEP (Globalisation and Economic Policy) Postgraduate Conference, Nottingham, 2011. Paper: Quality Upgrading and Price Heterogeneity: Evidence from Brazilian Manufacturing Exporters.

      Brazilian Prize in Economics 2007 (Prêmio Brasil de Economia) from the Federal Council of Economists,

      COFECON. First Place for the thesis entitled: The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil: An Analysis Using the Gravity Model.

      Regional Prize in Economics (Prêmio Regional de Economia) from the Regional Council of Economists of State of Santa Catarina, CORECON/SC. Indication for the Brazilian Prize.

      Prize for the highest final GPA in Economics, 2006. Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

      Prize for excellence in the study of Economics, 2006. Regional Council of Economists of the State of Santa Catarina, CORECON/SC - Brazil.

      Best Paper Award. 1st Publications Competition in Economics - UFSC, 2006. Paper: Foreign Direct, Investment in Brazil: historical background and economic policy measures in the 90s.

      Scholarship: National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development, Brazil (08.2003-07.2004).

      Scholarship: DFG - German Research Foundation (2007-2010).

  • Cooperation in Boards
    • 2024 Female economists' network of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate

      since 2024 Associate Editor, Journal of Comparative Economics

      since 2022 Member of scientific board, RIEF Network - Research in International Economics and Finance

      since 2021 Associate Editor, Review of International Economics

      since 2020 Member of the Scientific committee, Research Centre International Economics – FIW

      since 2019 Committee for International Economics, German Economic Association (VfS)

      since 2017 Research Fellow, SFB CRC TRR 190, German Research Foundation

      2012-2016 Research Fellow, SFB-Sonderforschungsbereich CRC 15

  • Selected Scientific Activities
    • Conference co-organizer, CESifo-DELPHI Conference 2020, online due to COVID-19

      Conference co-organizer, ETSG - European Trade Study Group 2014 (circa 400 participants), Munich

      Organizing committee, Göttingen Workshop in International Economics, 2013, 2014

      Member of scientific committee, GEP-CEPR Postgraduate Conference, Nottingham, 2014-15

      Seminar organizer, Munich International Economics Seminar, 2013

      Graduate student representative, Mannheim Graduate School of Economics, 2011

      Advisor, supervision of bachelor and master theses in Mannheim and Munich

      Reviewer, selection of papers for the Verein für Socialpolitik - Jahrestagung 2017

      Involvement in research grant proposals and projects: DFG Sonderforschungsbereich 15 (as a research fellow, 2012-2016), DFG Graduiertenkolleg (as a lecturer and faculty member, since 2013)

      DFG Research Grant (2016-2018)

      DFG Graduiertenkolleg Mannheim Graduate School of Economics (as a graduate student representative, project presentation for new round of research funds in Bonn)

      DFG Sonderforschungsbereich CRC TRR 190 (as a research fellow, since 2017)

  • Referee Reports
      • Canadian Journal of Economics
      • CESifo Economic Studies
      • Economics Bulletin
      • Economics Letters
      • Economic Modelling
      • Empirical - Journal of European Economics
      • European Economic Review
      • Global Journal of Economics and Finance
      • Growth and Change
      • Journal of Comparative Economics
      • Journal of Development Economics
      • Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
      • Journal of European Economic Association
      • Journal of International Business and Economics
      • Journal of International Economics
      • Journal of International Trade & Economic Development
      • Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
      • Review of Economics and Statistics
      • Review of International Economics
      • Review of World Economics
      • The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy
      • The World Economy


      Jahrestagung of the Verein für Socialpolitik (2017, 2019)

      GEP-CEPR Postgraduate Conference Nottingham (2014)

      Göttingen Workshop in International Economics (2013, 2014, 2017)

  • Editorships
    • since 2021 Associate Editor, Review of International Economics

  • Affiliations
    • since 2017 Research Fellow, SFB CRC TRR 190, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

      since 2016 Research Affiliate, CEPR

      since 2015 Research Affiliate, CESifo

  • Events
  • Media contributions
      • Guest article 8 May 2023

        Durch die vielfältigen Krisen der letzten Jahre hat sich das Misstrauen gegenüber der Globalisierung verstärkt. Lisandra Flach erklärt, welche Auswirkungen der Ausbau von Handelshemmnissen für die Weltwirtschaft und für ein Land wie Deutschland hat, das auf Freihandel angewiesen ist, und welche Maßnahmen die europäische Wirtschafts- und Handelspolitik jetzt ergreifen sollte, um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen.

      • Guest article 18 April 2023

        Um den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen, müssen erneuerbare Energien und klimafreundliche Technologien weltweit möglichst schnell zur Verfügung stehen. Laut Andreas Baur und Lisandra Flach gibt es durchaus Argumente dafür, die Produktion solcher Technologien auch durch den Staat zu fördern. Das Ziel der Klimaneutralität muss an oberster Stelle stehen, während die Frage über den Produktionsort klimafreundlicher Technologien nur zweitrangig ist. Die Diversifizierung von Bezugsquellen ist der Erfolgsgarant für stabile Lieferketten und die Reduktion bedenklicher Abhängigkeiten. Eine merkantilistische EU-Handelspolitik wäre hierbei kontraproduktiv.

      • Guest article 2 February 2022

        Lisandra Flach analyses the economic and political consequences of Brexit, which are proving to be increasingly dramatic.

      • Guest article 16 September 2021

        Lisandra Flach und Andreas Baur erklären, warum ein Verzicht auf globale Lieferketten mit extrem hohen Kosten für die deutsche Wirtschaft verbunden wäre.

      • Guest article 11 December 2020

        Die Zukunft der Handelspolitik braucht Mut und Pragmatismus.

      • Guest article 19 November 2020

        Die Pandemie hat gezeigt, wie anfällig die weltweiten Lieferketten für Störungen sind. Das heißt aber nicht, dass nun wieder komplett in Deutschland produziert werden muss, meinen die Ökonomin Lisandra Flach und der Ökonom Martin T. Braml.

      • Guest article 29 October 2020

        Auch ein US-Präsident Joe Biden würde eine protektionistische Handelspolitik betreiben. Aber es gibt doch einen bedeutsamen Unterschied zu Donald Trump.

      • Guest article 1 October 2020

        It’s widely accepted that the decision of the UK to leave the EU imposes a key challenge for trade relations. The outcome of trade negotiations, which were resumed in an hour-long telephone call on Thursday after a week-long

      • Guest article 24 July 2020

        Martin Braml und Lisandra Flach über die Probleme und Zukunft der WTO.

  • Press releases
      • Press release 14 July 2023

        ifo trade expert Lisandra Flach recommends quickly concluding the free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur in Latin America. “Ratification of the agreement is key for both Europe and Mercosur to broaden their supply chains and reduce dependence on China,” Flach says ahead of the EU-Latin America summit. China is now Mercosur’s most important trading partner, she adds, while the EU has become a great deal less important in recent years.

      • Press release 23 November 2022

        Since 2020, German industry has responded to disruptions in international supply chains primarily by making increasing use of warehousing. This is the finding of an ifo Institute survey, according to which 68 percent of the companies surveyed have increased the size of their warehouses, 65 percent have sought additional suppliers, and 54 percent now monitor their supply chains better than before.

      • Press release 4 November 2022

        The ifo Institute has called for a show of unity toward China. In recent years, the trade imbalance between Germany and China has tipped significantly in China’s favor, but the same is not true for EU-China trade relations, according to an ifo study. “For this reason, it is questionable whether Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s trip to China will on its own be enough to send the right message. It would have been a good opportunity to demonstrate European unity to Beijing,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics. 

      • Press release 6 October 2022

        The vast majority of German companies have taken concrete action to adjust their supply chains since the coronavirus pandemic. This is a finding of an ifo Institute survey of 4,000 companies conducted in June 2022 and published by the EconPol Europe research network. The survey found that 87 percent of manufacturing companies have changed their sourcing strategy in response to supply chain disruptions. In wholesale, the respective share was 76 percent; in retail, it was 63 percent.

      • Press release 29 June 2022

        For many key technologies, such as battery technology, robotics, and renewables, Germany is dependent on imports of raw materials – often from individual supplier countries like China. “Urgent action is required to ensure that the supply chains for nine critical minerals – cobalt, boron, silicon, graphite, magnesium, lithium, niobium, rare earths, titanium – are crisis-proof. Additional sources of supply are needed to make the supply chains more resilient,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics, in summarizing the findings of an ifo study conducted on behalf of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria.

      • Press release 7 June 2022

        German economists would like to see EU tariffs imposed on energy imports from Russia. Such tariffs are an effective measure for reducing payments to Russia while also minimizing the impact on Europe’s energy supply, say 70 percent of the participants in the latest ifo and FAZ Economists Panel survey. They consider tariffs to be better than embargos and more effective than quantitative restrictions. Tariffs would force Russia to lower the export price. Participants also say higher prices in Europe would simultaneously lead to a redistribution of scarce resources via the free market. “This could be an effective way to put pressure on Russia,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics.

      • Press release 3 June 2022

        Sweeping coronavirus restrictions in China have negative consequences for the German economy, finds an ifo Institute survey. Approximately one in two companies affected by material shortages reported that the lockdowns currently in place in China have made the situation even worse than before. The sector most affected is wholesale (67.3 percent), followed by retail (63 percent) and manufacturing (53.7 percent). “Industries such as automotive and chemicals as well as manufacturers of machinery and equipment and of electrical equipment, which are closely intertwined with the Chinese economy, have been hit the hardest,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics. 

      • Press release 31 March 2022

        Almost half of Germany’s manufacturing companies are currently dependent on key inputs from China. Many of them want to reduce this dependence, finds an ifo Institute survey. “In German manufacturing, 46 percent of all companies say they source significant inputs from China. Of these companies, almost one in two is planning to reduce these imports from China in the future,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the Ifo Center for International Economics. 

      • Press release 18 February 2022

        ifo President Clemens Fuest has warned of a price shock for oil and gas if Russia invades Ukraine. “Even if the supply of gas isn’t restricted, there would still be a price shock, at least temporarily. This would affect private households and industry in Germany in equal measure. Currently, we are forecasting an inflation rate of 4 percent for 2022. If war breaks out, it could be even higher.” 

      • Press release 28 January 2022

        Brexit has had an unfavorable impact on trade between the EU and the United Kingdom. According to figures from the ifo Institute, the UK’s share of EU27 goods exports fell from 6.2 percent in 2019* to 5.2 percent in 2021*, while its share of EU27 goods imports fell from 3.9 percent to 2.6 percent over the same period*. 

      • Press release 20 January 2022

        Relocating international production back to Germany would reduce German economic output by almost 10 percent, finds a study in ifo Schnelldienst. “Bringing outsourced portions of value added back to Germany would mean that less competitive activities suddenly gain large shares in the mix of German value added. The associated drop in productivity would weaken the country’s economic performance,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics and coauthor of the study.

      • Press release 10 August 2021

        Despite the coronavirus pandemic, only a few companies in Germany have turned to new national supply chains and are looking to replace global procurement. This is the finding of an ifo study for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Of the 5,000 companies surveyed, only one in ten intends to rely more heavily on domestic supply chains in the future.

      • Press release 15 June 2021

        The ifo Institute has spoken out against a general relocation of production back to Germany and against government intervention in supply chains. Instead, the sources of supply for the German economy ought to become more internationally diverse. Achieving this calls for a deeper European Single Market and a stronger World Trade Organization. These findings are from an article in ifo Schnelldienst by Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics; the article was published in advance on Friday.

      • Press release 11 June 2021

        German companies expect more bureaucracy as a result of the Supply Chain Act, or Lieferkettengesetz, according to the ifo Business Survey for May. “In manufac-turing in particular, 43 percent of participating companies say they expect nega-tive effects from increased bureaucracy or documentation requirements. The next largest percentage was in wholesale,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics.

      • Press release 25 March 2021

        Europe has lost importance as a trading partner for the Mercosur countries, concludes an ifo Institute article that takes stock of the South American economic alliance on its 30th anniversary. “With China’s rise, trade flows shifted away from Europe to the Chinese market. As a result, Mercosur’s imports and exports to and from Europe are declining overall. Mercosur exports to Europe fell by almost 25 percent in the past six years alone,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics and one of the article’s authors.

      • Press release 15 February 2021

        Lisandra Flach, the Director of the ifo Center for International Economics, called the upcoming election of a new director-general for the World Trade Organization a “unique opportunity.” After the difficult Trump years, she said, there is now a chance to breathe new life into international trade negotiations and achieve a more stable system that is not based on unilateral relationships. Trust must be rebuilt, Flach said in Munich on Monday.

      • Press release 8 December 2020

        Le Brexit affectera le Royaume-Uni plus durement que l'Union eu-ropéenne. C'est ce qui ressort de l'analyse des chiffres du commerce bilatéral par l'Institut ifo. Ces chiffres montrent que la part de l'UE dans le bilan commercial du Royaume-Uni est beaucoup plus grande que l'inverse, y compris pour les produits fournis par un nombre restreint de fabricants. « Les deux parties seront perdantes à cause du Brexit, mais le Royaume-Uni le sera beaucoup plus. Un accord commercial pouvant entrer en vigueur le 1er janvier prochain serait dans l'intérêt des deux acteurs », estime Lisandra Flach, directrice du Centre d'économie internationale de l'Institut ifo.

      • Press release 8 December 2020

        Brexit will hit the UK harder than the EU, according to an ifo Institute evaluation of trade figures between the two. These show that the EU’s share of the UK’s trade is much larger than the other way around. The same is true for products of which there are only a few suppliers. “Brexit means both sides lose, but the United Kingdom loses considerably more. It is in both parties’ interests to have a trade agreement in place as of January 1,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics.

      • Press release 2 November 2020

        Joe Biden becoming US President offers an opportunity to ease worldwide tensions and uncertainties in trade and to secure the future of the World Trade Organization. This is the position taken by Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics, in a recent guest article in Handelsblatt. “Biden is no champion of free trade. There is a great deal of protectionism to be found in the Democrats’ election platform, too. However, Biden believes in cooperating with international institutions. This is a clear difference from current US President Donald Trump,” she says.

      • Press release 16 October 2020

        Brexit could hit UK companies particularly hard. This is the finding of a study conducted by the ifo Institute and the EconPol Europe research network. The reason is that UK companies import many intermediate products from the EU, sourcing them from few suppliers. “The current Covid-19 crisis has shown how important it is to diversify supply chains in order to mitigate the negative effects of unexpected supply shocks,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics.

      • Press release 16 October 2020

        Les entreprises du Royaume-Uni pourraient être particulièrement affectées par le Brexit, indique une étude réalisée par l'Institut ifo et le réseau de recherche EconPol Europe. Pour quelle raison ? Les entreprises britanniques importent beaucoup de produits intermédiaires achetés auprès d'un petit nombre de sous-traitants basés dans l'Union européenne. « L'actuelle crise de la Covid-19 a démontré qu'une diversification des chaînes logistiques est essentielle pour atténuer les effets négatifs de ruptures d'approvisionnement imprévues », explique Lisandra Flach, directrice du Centre d'économie internationale de l'Institut ifo. 

      • Press release 14 July 2020

        The call for a less integrated world expressed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic would lead to a loss of income and prosperity. This is according to a recent study by the ifo Institute. “Rolling back globalization, for example by bringing production back to Germany on a larger scale, would not be a solution to the current crisis,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics.


ifo Podcast: How Global Supply Chains Can Become More Resilient?

Global supply chains consist of production sites distributed around the world. Is this complex set-up an additional risk in times of crisis? What must policymakers and companies do to make international supply chains more crisis-proof in the future?


Globalisierung auf den Prüfstand: Chancen und Herausforderung für die deutsche Wirtschaft

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