ifo Business Survey

Business Expectations in Germany’s Chemical Industry Brighten Further

The ifo Business Climate in Germany’s chemical industry brightened in April. It rose to -3.1 points, up from -10.5 points* in March. There was a particular improvement in business expectations, with that indicator rising to 13.3 points – its highest level since December 2021. However, the majority of companies surveyed described their current situation as poor. “The chemical industry is deriving confidence from the easing in supply bottlenecks and lower energy prices. But this industry’s current order situation remains weak,” says industry expert Anna Wolf of the ifo Institute.

Now that the cost of energy and raw materials is going down again, companies are planning to expand production once more. Employment expectations, however, remain negative. “Companies are clearly planning to cut costs, especially as prices for chemical products are set to be slashed again,” Wolf says.

*Seasonally adjusted

Infographic, Business Development in the German Chremical Industry, April 2023
Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2023
Dr. Anna Wolf

Dr. Anna Wolf
