ifo Employment Barometer

ifo Employment Barometer Continues to Rise (September 2020)

More and more German companies are planning to hire new recruits. The ifo Employment Barometer climbed to 96.3 points in September after measuring 95.4 points in August. The economy is recovering and this development is increasingly reflected in employment.


In manufacturing, the ifo barometer continued its upward trend. Overall, however, companies are still laying off more people than they are hiring. Service providers, particularly in IT, are planning to hire more staff. In trade, the barometer made a significant leap upward. In construction, too, companies are now planning to expand their workforce.

ifo Employment Barometer, Results of the ifo Business Survey for September 2020
ifo Employment Barometer, Results of the ifo Business Survey for September 2020

ifo Employment Barometer Germany

(Index, 2015 = 100, seasonally adjusted)

  09/19 10/19 11/19 12/19 01/20 02/20 03/20 04/20 05/20 06/20 07/20 08/20 09/20
Barometer 98.9 98.7 99.4 98.7 99.4 97.8 93.6 86.4 88.4 92.4 93.3 95.4 96.3

Source: ifo Business Survey.
© ifo Institute

ifo Employment Barometer by Sector

(Balances, seasonally adjusted)

  09/19 10/19 11/19 12/19 01/20 02/20 03/20 04/20 05/20 06/20 07/20 08/20 09/20
Manufacturing -13.1 -11.8 -14.1 -15.5 -15.5 -18.3 -18.2 -28.7 -29.1 -25.6 -22.9 -19.1 -16.2
Service Sector 12.2 10.5 14.1 11.4 14.5 10.0 -2.9 -19.3 -13.6 -2.9 -1.5 4.5 5.2
Trade -0.8 -0.5 -0.3 1.7 0.2 1.1 -7.8 -25.5 -20.0 -11.5 -7.8 -7.9 -3.8
Construction 10.9 13.4 12.0 12.7 11.2 9.2 2.0 -7.9 -4.1 1.1 -1.1 0.6 6.1

Source: ifo Business Survey.
© ifo Institute

Dr. Klaus Wohlrabe

Dr. Klaus Wohlrabe

Deputy Director of the ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys and Head of Surveys
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