Event – PILLARS Conference

Labor Market Effects of Automation and Technology Adoption in the Global Economy

Keynote speakers: Paulo Bastos, World Bank, Christian Volpe Martincus, Inter-American Development Bank
1 – 2 June 2023

Santiago de Chile

Scientific Organizers: Lisandra Flach, ifo Institute & Pillars, Nina Czernich, ifo Institute & Pillars, Nunzia Francesca Saporito, CEPAL

This workshop aims to bring together a group of researchers working on topics related to automation, technological change, and labor markets in a global economy. We will discuss theoretical and empirical contributions that help us understand the determinants of automation in an open economy and discuss the impact of automation and technology adoption on firms and their workers.

The organizers are seeking papers in the broad areas of technological change and labor markets. Topics that may be relevant in this area include: technology-driven divergences between countries, the effect of new technologies on labor markets, the changing task content of jobs and differences between developed and developing countries, the role of automation and digital technologies in creating or displacing jobs, and the implications of the adoption of new technologies for international trade, investments and development.

Submissions deadline: 30 March 2023

Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the workshop will be notified by mid-April at the latest.

We especially encourage submissions from early career researchers, researchers from Latin American and the Caribbean, and female researchers. Pillars can provide a limited number of travel grants for junior researchers to cover hotel accommodation and travel costs using the most economical travel route. Please contact pillars@ifo.de

Dr. Nina Czernich

Dr. Nina Czernich

Senior Economist
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