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ifo Kolleginnen und Kollegen
Dr. Stephanie Dittmer und Prof. Clemens Fuest, Vorstand des ifo Instituts

Executive Board of the ifo Institute

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest (President)

Dr. Stephanie Dittmer (Member of the Executive Board)


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Press release — 26 April 2022

After collapsing in March, sentiment among German exporters has recovered somewhat. The ifo Export Expectations rose from minus 2.9 in March to plus 3.5 points in April. Despite high uncertainty and logistics problems, there are currently signs of a stabilization of export sentiments.

Press release — 20 November 2019

Le Président de l'Institut ifo, Clemens Fuest, soutient le concept de l'OCDE d’une imposition minimale des sociétés au niveau international. « Cette mesure limiterait l'évitement fiscal indésirable qui résulte du fait que les entreprises peuvent transférer leurs bénéfices d’un pays à l’autre. Dans le même temps, une double imposition doit être évitée », souligne M. Fuest dans un article rédigé avec ses coauteurs Mathieu Parenti et Farid Toubal pour le Conseil d'analyse économique auprès du Premier ministre français Edouard Philippe.

Press release — 26 June 2019

The eurozone economy will experience a slight dip in the second quarter of the year. Growth is expected to fall to 0.3 percent, from 0.4 percent in the first quarter, according to three research institutes: ifo in Munich, KOF in Zurich, and Istat in Rome. They expect growth in each of the third and fourth quarters to return to 0.4 percent.

Press release — 26 January 2023

Le moral des exportateurs allemands s'est amélioré. L'indice ifo des prévisions en matière d'exportations est passé de +2,0 points en décembre à +4,3 points ce mois-ci. Les exportateurs allemands espèrent un nouvel élan en ce début d'année.

Press release — 11 March 2021

German companies in the manufacturing sector spent less on research and development in 2020, the year of the coronavirus. This is the result of a recent survey conducted by the ifo Institute, which indicated that research spending fell to 3.2 percent of sales, compared with 3.5 percent on average for the years 2016 to 2019.

Press release — 5 December 2023

“The decline in German students’ performance in the PISA study is a cause for great concern. Good education is the most important basis for our prosperity,” says Ludger Wößmann, Director of the ifo Center for the Economics of Education. “In math and reading, the performance of 15-year-olds is a whole school year behind where it was just four years ago. This decline in educational results is unprecedented. Performance has even fallen below the level that triggered the first PISA shock about 20 years ago. In this most recent study, German students’ performance in mathematics dropped by 25 PISA points, which will cost Germany around EUR 14 trillion in economic output by the end of the century.”

EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Service
Data set of ifo's micro data.
Press release — 16 February 2022

The ifo Institute has called for Germany’s economic assistance program to be phased out by the end of March. “If the Conference of Federal State Prime Ministers (MPK) decides to gradually lift the restrictions on the economy – including those in place for the hospitality and event industries – by March 20, then assistance ought also to be withdrawn at that time,” ifo President Clemens Fuest said in Munich on Wednesday. “Special provisions could be made in individual cases of hardship,” he added.

Press release — 29 January 2019

Un système européen de réassurance-chômage pourrait absorber en moyenne 15 à 25 pour cent des pertes de salaires causées par l'augmentation du chômage dans les récessions profondes, mais divers arrangements devraient être pris afin d'éviter des effets incitatifs négatifs, selon une nouvelle étude d'EconPol Europe, écrit par Mathias Dolls, chercheur à l'Institut ifo.

Press release — 19 October 2022

Older employees can catch up on digital skills through appropriate training. This is shown in a new study by the EconPol research network, which examines these skills among different age brackets in industrialized countries. Two-thirds of the international differences can be explained by differences in the extent to which countries invest in equipping this group with digital skills.

Press release — 2 June 2020

In May, 7.3 million employees in Germany were on short-time work, according to exclusive ifo Institute calculations. “This number has never been so high,” says ifo labor market expert Sebastian Link. “During the financial crisis, short-time work peaked in May 2009 with just under 1.5 million people affected.” During the coronavirus crisis, companies originally reported they would introduce short-time work for 10.1 million employees. According to ifo Institute data, they then actually did so for 71.6 percent of that figure.

Press release — 6 October 2023

The ifo Business Climate in Germany’s chemical industry deteriorated somewhat in September to -19.3 points, down from -16.3 points* in August. While assessments of the business situation remain virtually unchanged, business expectations are now gloomier. “The chemical industry faces a great many challenges,” says industry expert Anna Wolf of the ifo Institute.

Press release — 2 November 2021

The business climate in Germany’s automotive industry has worsened slightly. The ifo barometer for the industry fell to 8.5 points, down from 9.8 points in September. In July, the indicator had stood at 28.7 points. “Manufacturers and their suppliers have very different takes on the current situation,” says Oliver Falck, Director of the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies. 

Press release — 17 April 2019

Electric vehicles will barely help cut CO2 emissions in Germany over the coming years, as the introduction of electric vehicles does not necessarily lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions from road traffic.

Press release — 14 July 2023

ifo trade expert Lisandra Flach recommends quickly concluding the free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur in Latin America. “Ratification of the agreement is key for both Europe and Mercosur to broaden their supply chains and reduce dependence on China,” Flach says ahead of the EU-Latin America summit. China is now Mercosur’s most important trading partner, she adds, while the EU has become a great deal less important in recent years.

EBDC Data Set – EBDC Business Expectations Panel
Data set of EBDC Panel Data.
EBDC Data Set – ifo Investment Database
Data set of ifo's micro data.
Press release — 23 April 2020

Face à la crise du Covid-19, 50 % des entreprises allemandes optent pour l'activité partielle et 18 % envisagent de supprimer des emplois. C'est le résultat provisoire de la toute dernière enquête menée par l'Institut ifo au mois d'avril. Dans le commerce, 55 % des collaborateurs travaillent actuellement en activité partielle, alors qu'ils sont 53 % dans l'industrie, 48 % dans les services et seulement 37 % dans le BTP. « Pour bien des entreprises, l'activité partielle est la solution la plus appropriée pour amortir les pertes de chiffre d'affaires temporaires et conserver leurs effectifs », indique Klaus Wohlrabe, le directeur des enquêtes de l'Institut ifo.

Press release — 29 June 2022

For many key technologies, such as battery technology, robotics, and renewables, Germany is dependent on imports of raw materials – often from individual supplier countries like China. “Urgent action is required to ensure that the supply chains for nine critical minerals – cobalt, boron, silicon, graphite, magnesium, lithium, niobium, rare earths, titanium – are crisis-proof. Additional sources of supply are needed to make the supply chains more resilient,” says Lisandra Flach, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics, in summarizing the findings of an ifo study conducted on behalf of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria.

Press release — 10 February 2023

In 2022, inflation-driven bracket creep in Germany burdened taxpayers by EUR 10.9 billion. This is shown by calculations of the ifo Institute. Taking into account the lower employment incentives, bracket creep put an additional EUR 9.3 billion tax revenue into the state coffers in 2022. “For 2023, the new Inflation Adjustment Act almost completely offsets the tax burden on households due to bracket creep, but does not compensate for the remaining tax burden due to inflation in 2022,” says ifo President Clemens Fuest. 

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