Human Resources

The Human Resources department is the first point of contact for people interested in a career at the ifo Institute. We see ourselves as a service provider and partner for external and internal candidates alike. It’s our job to recruit the best personnel for ifo. We support them throughout their employment with us and advise them on career options both within and outside the Institute.

We respond to questions about vacancies and the application process, always looking to make close contact with people who want to find out about the opportunities the ifo Institute offers as an employer.

The recruiting and hiring process also falls under our responsibility, and we support our employees with personnel matters, further education and training, family leave, and returning to work. We ensure that salaries are transferred correctly and at the proper time, and that required certificates are issued on time.

Equality and Diversity at the ifo Institute

When it comes to matters of equality and diversity, we work closely with our Equal Opportunities Officer. In collaboration with the works council, we determine

  • rules about working from home,
  • flexible working hours, and,
  • for example, corporate training.

We open up careers within the ifo Institute and also assist our employees in pursuing scientific or other careers outside the ifo Institute. We also maintain contact with former employees through our alumni network.


Job offer
Information Technology

We are looking for an IT Infrastructure Operations Engineer (f/m/d) - (young) professional to start as soon as possible, who will be responsible for our IT landscape based on Microsoft Windows and MS 365 together with colleagues in the IT team.

Closing Date for Applications: 21 July 2024
Job offer
ifo Center for Labor and Demographic Economics

The ifo Center for Labor and Demographic Economics is seeking a Pre-Doc (f/m/d) to work under the supervision of Helmut Rainer. This position involves engaging in scientific work on new and ongoing empirical projects in labor and family economics.

Closing Date for Applications: 21 July 2024
Job offer

Das ifo Institut sucht ab sofort eine Assistenz für Content-Management (m/w/d) in Teilzeit (50%) für das Digitalteam in der ifo Kommunikation.

Der Bereich Kommunikation ist für die Beziehungen zu den Stakeholdern des ifo Instituts zuständig. Wir verstehen uns als Mittler zwischen dem Institut, interessierten Journaist*innen, Mitgliedern, Firmen, öffentlichen Stellen oder Studierenden. Unsere Mitarbeiter*innen pflegen Kontakte zu unseren Multiplikatoren, erstellen die Inhalte für die ifo-Website, sind für die Social-Media-Kanäle verantwortlich, produzieren die Publikationen des Instituts und organisieren Veranstaltungen.


Closing Date for Applications: 14 July 2024
Job offer
ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys

The ifo Institute is looking for a Student Assistant with immediate effect to support the ifo Center in its research work in the field of microsimulation.

Job offer
ifo Dresden

The ifo Institute always employs interns for a period of six weeks to three months. The prerequisite for an internship is enrolment at a university or college.

Job offer
ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys, ifo Center for Public Finance and Political Economy, ifo Center for Labor and Demographic Economics, ifo Center for the Economics of Education, ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies, ifo Center for Energy, Climate, and Resources, ifo Center for International Economics, ifo Center for International Institutional Comparisons and Migration Research, Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social Market Economy and Institutional Economics, Executive Department

The ifo Institute employs interns for a period of six weeks to three months. The prerequisite for an internship is enrolment at a university or college.

Job offer

The ifo Institute is looking for a Student Assistant (m/f/d) for Visuals Team in ifo Communication.

Job offer

CESifo (registered as: Münchener Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wirtschaftswissenschaft - CESifo GmbH) links the ifo Institute and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich, with the international research community. We are currently hiring a student assistant.


Angela Wagner
Angela Wagner
Head of Human Resources
Main Focus
Executive Staff
Tina Lange
Human Resources Administrator
Jessica Bayer
Jessica Bayer
Human Resources Administrator
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