

An important goal of the ifo Institute is to make its scientific findings, analyses, survey results, and statements accessible to as many people as possible. We therefore offer a wide range of publications for different target groups with the aim of stimulating economic policy debate. Here, our own authors as well as members of the ifo’s wider networks and other experts have the opportunity to publish relevant findings and debate them publicly.

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1499 hits:
Monograph (Authorship)
Katharina Heisig, Marius Kröper, Tim Scheurer
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden Studien / 89
Article in Journal
Niels Gillmann, Ernst Erwin Glöckner
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 2, 26-28
Article in Journal
Albert Landsberger
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 2, 22-25
Article in Journal
Robert Lehmann, Ida Wikman
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 2, 15-21
Article in Journal
Mona Förtsch, Selina Schulze Spüntrup
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 2, 08-14
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Jan Krahnen, Jörg Rocholl, Marcel Thum
Review of Economics 74 (1), 01-19
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Friedrich Schneider, Ronnie Schöb, Hans-Werner Sinn, Marcel Thum
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 24 (1), 53-62
Working Paper
Katharina Heisig
CESifo, Munich, 2023
CESifo Working Paper No. 10308
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Michael Berlemann, Joel Methorst, Marcel Thum
Economics Letters 222, 110942


Article in Journal
Joachim Ragnitz
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 1, 26-27
Article in Journal
Niels Gillmann, Joachim Ragnitz
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 1, 19-25
Article in Journal
Anna Kremer
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 1, 11-18
Article in Journal
Niels Gillmann, Andreas Maas, Antje Weyh
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 1, 03-10
Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
Article in Journal
Niels Gillmann, Ernst Erwin Glöckner
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 1, 31-33
Article in Journal
Grega Ferenc
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2023
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2023, 30, Nr. 1, 28-30
Working Paper
Mona Foertsch, Felix Roesel
CESifo, Munich, 2023
CESifo Working Paper No. 10259
Working Paper
Remo Nitschke, Felix Roesel
CESifo, Munich, 2023
CESifo Working Paper No. 10251
Article in Journal
Jan Krahnen, Jörg Rocholl, Marcel Thum
CESifo, Munich, 2023
EconPol Forum 24 (1), 8-12
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Kai A. Konrad, Marcel Thum
Energy Economics 117, 106441
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