

An important goal of the ifo Institute is to make its scientific findings, analyses, survey results, and statements accessible to as many people as possible. We therefore offer a wide range of publications for different target groups with the aim of stimulating economic policy debate. Here, our own authors as well as members of the ifo’s wider networks and other experts have the opportunity to publish relevant findings and debate them publicly.



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810 hits:
Article in Journal
Horst Penzkofer
ifo Institut, München, 2019
ifo Schnelldienst, 2019, 72, Nr. 24, 23-26
Paper in Academic Volume
Hendrik Hochheim, Horst Penzkofer
Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2019
in: C. Zanger (Hrsg.): Eventforschung – Aktueller Stand und Perspektiven, 25-46
Monograph (Authorship)
David Bencek, Oliver Falck, Gabriel Felbermayr, Rainer Thiele
Bayerischer Industrie- und Handelskammertag (BIHK) e. V., München, 2019
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Johanna I. Lutter, Boglárka Szentes, Margarethe E. Wacker, Joachim Winter, Sebastian Wichert, Annette Peters, Rolf Holle, Reiner Leidl
Health Economics Review 9 (26)


Paper in Academic Volume
Ludwig Dorffmeister
Berlin, 2019
in: Verband der Privaten Bausparkassen e.V. (Hrsg.): Bausparen 2019, Jahrbuch des Verbandes der Privaten Bausparkassen e.V., 15-25
Article in Journal
Oliver Falck, Valentin Lindlacher, Wilhelm Eschweiler, Dirk Wössner, Michael Heinz
ifo Institut, München, 2019
ifo Schnelldienst, 2019, 72, Nr. 21, 03-14
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Oliver Falck, Johannes Koenen, Tobias Lohse
Regional Science and Urban Economics 79 (103480)
Contribution in Refereed Journal
John Morgan, Justin Tumlinson
Management Science 65 (10), p. 4489–4504
Monograph (Authorship)
Nina Czernich, Katharina Candel-Haug
IHK für München und Oberbayern, München, 2019

Short version:  (in German)

Article in Journal
Ludwig Dorffmeister
ifo Institut, München, 2019
ifo Schnelldienst, 2019, 72, Nr. 13, 23-32
Monograph (Authorship)
Nina Czernich, Thomas Fackler, Oliver Falck, Simone Schüller, Sebastian Wichert, Kristin Keveloh, Ramanujam Macharla Vijayakuma
Monograph (Authorship)
Oliver Falck, Johannes Koenen
Article in Journal
Clemens Fuest, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Oliver Falck, Ralf Stegner, Hans J. Langer
ifo Institut, München, 2019
ifo Schnelldienst, 2019, 72, Nr. 11, 03-22
Article in Journal
Oliver Falck
ifo Institut, München, 2019
ifo Schnelldienst, 2019, 72, Nr. 10, 12-15
Article in Journal
Oliver Falck, Anita Dietrich, Tobias Lohse, Friederike Welter, Heike Belitz, Cedric von der Hellen, Carsten Dreher, Carsten Schwäbe, Dietmar Harhoff, Monika Schnitzer, Uschi Backes-Gellner, Christoph Böhringer, Uwe Cantner, Katharina Hölzle
ifo Institut, München, 2019
ifo Schnelldienst, 2019, 72, Nr. 09, 03-25
Working Paper
Nadine Geiger, Sebastian Wichert
CESifo, Munich, 2019
CESifo Working Paper No. 7593
Monograph (Authorship)
Oliver Falck, Gabriel Felbermayr, Claas Schneiderheinze, Rainer Thiele
IHK für München und Oberbayern, München, 2019
Impulse für die Wirtschaftspolitik

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Tanika Chakraborty, Simone Schüller, Klaus F. Zimmermann
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 163, 551-569


Monograph (Authorship)
Alfred Bauer, Florian Dorn, Luisa Dörr, Stefanie Gäbler, Manuela Krause, Martin Mosler, Christiaan Niemeijer, Horst Penzkofer, Niklas Potrafke
ifo Institute, Munich, 2019
ifo Forschungsberichte / 100
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Giulia Canzian, Samuele Poy, Simone Schüller
Regional Science and Urban Economics 77, 87-103


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