Contributions in Refereed Journals

The ifo Institute has set itself the goal of conducting first-class research in order to contribute substantially to the economic debate in the national and international context and thus decisively advance knowledge of economic issues. Therefore, contributions by ifo scientists can be found in a wide range of renowned scientific journals. The ifo pays particular attention to the top refereed journals in the categories A+ to C.

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Contribution in Refereed Journal
Eric A. Hanushek, Dean T. Jamison, Eliot A. Jamison, Ludger Wößmann
Education Next 8 (2), 62-70

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Contribution in Refereed Journal
Peter Egger, Hartmut Egger, David Greenaway
in: Journal of International Economics 74 (2), 278-298

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Tilmann Rave, Ursula Triebswetter
in: European Environment 18(3), 186-201

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Mario Larch, G. Tappeiner, Janette Walde
in: Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 78 (2), 151-166

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Contribution in Refereed Journal
Peter Egger, Mario Larch, Michael Pfaffermayr, Janette Walde
Journal of Comparative Economics 36 (1), 142-156
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Sandra Eickmeier, Christina Ziegler
in: Journal of Forecasting 27, 237-265

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Contribution in Refereed Journal
Martin Werding
in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik /Journal of Economics and Statistics 228 (1), 110–134

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Wolfgang Ochel, Oliver Röhn
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 9 (2), 226–251
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Theo Eicher, Thomas Strobel
CESifo Economic Studies 54(3), 386-413
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Badi H. Baltagi, Peter Egger, Michael Pfaffermayr
Annales d’Économie et de Statistique 87/88, 11-38
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Hans-Werner Sinn
International Tax and Public Finance 15, 360-394
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Robin Boadway, Thiess Büttner, David E. Wildasin
in: Journal of Public Economics 92 (12), 2285-2287

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Peter Egger, Tobias Seidel
in: Canadian Journal of Economics 41(1), 271–291

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Robert Fenge
in: Journal of Economics 94, 94-99

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Marko Köthenbürger, Panu Poutvaara, Paola Profeta
Oxford Economic Papers 60 (2), 275-292
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Ludger Wößmann
in: International Tax and Public Finance 15 (2), 199-230

Working paper version available as: CESifo Working Paper 1779 (PDF)

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Hans Jarle Kind, Marko Köthenbürger, Guttorm Schjelderup
Journal of Public Economics 92 (5-6), 1531-1539
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Marko Köthenbürger
Regional Science and Urban Economics 38(1), 16-31
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Gabriela Schütz, Heinrich Ursprung, Ludger Wößmann
in: Kyklos 61 (2), 279-308

Working paper version available as: CESifo Working Paper 1518 (PDF)

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Marko Köthenbürger
Journal of Urban Economics 64 (1), 116 - 122
Contribution in Refereed Journal
Klaus Abberger
in: Forecasting Letters

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Thiess Büttner, Johannes Rincke
German Economic Review 8 (4), 536–560

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Contribution in Refereed Journal
Guido Schwerdt, Jarkko Turunen
in: Review of Income and Wealth 53 (4), 716–734

Contribution in Refereed Journal
Thiess Büttner, Martin Ruf
in: International Tax and Public Finance 14 (2), 151-164

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Contribution in Refereed Journal
Hans-Dieter Karl
in: Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement - Beihefte der Konjunkturpolitik 58, 47-60