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ifo Business Survey — 8 September 2023

Germans work 17% of their working hours from home, finds an ifo Institute survey. “However, barely half of all jobs are even compatible with remote working in the first place,” says ifo expert Jean-Victor Alipour. “Where it’s an option, employees work from home an average of 1.5 days a week.”

ifo Economic Forecast — 7 September 2023

Price-adjusted gross domestic product will decline by 0.4% this year. In the next two years, economic output is expected to increase by 1.4% and 1.2%. The inflation rate will fall further from an average of 6.0% this year to 2.6% next year and 1.9% the year after.

ifo Business Survey — 5 September 2023

Inflation in Germany is likely to fall further. German companies’ price expectations for the coming months have declined somewhat, according to the ifo Institute’s Business Survey. They fell to 14.7 points in August, down from 16.3* points in July. “However, the decline in inflation will be a long, hard road,” says Timo Wollmershäuser, Head of Forecasts at ifo. Among retailers, for example, the balance of price expectations fell only from 34.9* to 33.5 points; in hospitality, from 47.8* to 46.6 points; and in the food and beverage trade, from 55.3* to 55.1 points. 

ifo Center for Public Finance and Political Economy
ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys
ifo Center for Labor and Demographic Economics
Pre-Doctoral Student
ifo Center for International Economics
Human Resources and Law
ifo Business Survey — 1 September 2023

Germany’s automotive industry views its current business situation as worse than in the previous month, according to the ifo Business Survey. The indicator fell to 12.7 points in August, down from 22.1 points* in July. “Sentiment has deteriorated most noticeably among automakers, while suppliers remain fairly satisfied with their current situation,” says Anita Wölfl, a specialist at the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies.

ifo Business Climate Index for Saxony — 1 September 2023

Saxony’s business climate cooled slightly in August. The barometer of business sentiment in Saxony’s economy fell from 92.1 points in July to 90.8 points in August, marking the third month in a row to see a decrease. Compared with the previous month, the companies surveyed were noticeably less satisfied with their business situation. They also slightly reduced their business expectations.

ifo Business Climate Index for Eastern Germany — 30 August 2023

The ifo Business Climate Index Eastern Germany saw a small decline in August. The barometer of business sentiment for the entire regional economy slipped to 90.4 points, down from 91.5 points in July. The eastern German companies surveyed were noticeably less satisfied with their current business situation, but did not change their business expectations for the coming months.

ifo Education Survey — 30 August 2023

How do the Germans grade the schools in their federal state? Where do they see serious problems in the school system? And what solutions do they prefer - for example, for teacher shortage? The ifo Education Survey 2023 examines these and other questions.

ifo Employment Barometer — 29 August 2023

The willingness among companies in Germany to hire new staff has slightly decreased. The ifo Employment Barometer fell to 97.0 points in August, down from 97.1 points in July. “At the moment, plans for layoffs and hires are just balancing each other out,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo. “Because of the economic downturn, many companies are holding back on hiring.”

ifo Export Expectations — 28 August 2023

Sentiment in the German export industry has deteriorated slightly. The ifo Export Expectations fell to -6.3 points in August, down from -6.0 points in July. “German exporters continue to struggle with weak global demand,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo. “More and more companies are also complaining about being less able to compete at the global level.”

ifo Business Climate Index for Germany — 25 August 2023

Sentiment among German managers has darkened further. The ifo Business Climate Index slipped to 85.7 points in August, down from 87.4 points in July. This is its fourth consecutive fall. Assessments of the current situation fell to their lowest level since August 2020. Moreover, companies are increasingly pessimistic about the months ahead. The German economy is not out of the woods yet.

ifo Business Survey — 23 August 2023

In the competition for market share, German manufacturers of machinery and equipment find themselves in a worse position, finds an ifo Institute survey. “In sales markets outside the EU, German manufacturers of machinery and equipment are facing fiercer competition, especially from China,” says Nicolas Bunde, an industry expert at the ifo Institute. The survey score for competitiveness fell to -14.3 points, down from -7.3 in April.

LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Business Survey — 21 August 2023

The slump in residential construction in Germany continues. In July, 40.3% of companies complained of a lack of orders, up from 34.5% in June. A year ago, the proportion was 10.8%. These findings are from the ifo Institute’s latest survey. “A storm is brewing. Following many years of expansion, now higher interest rates and the drastic rise in construction costs are choking off new business,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo.

Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social Market Economy and Institutional Economics
ifo Business Survey — 16 August 2023

More and more German companies are short of skilled workers, finds the latest ifo Business Survey of around 9,000 companies throughout Germany. According to the survey, 43.1% of firms reported suffering from a shortage of qualified workers in July, up from 42.2% in April 2023. “Despite a sluggish economy, many companies are still desperately searching for suitable employees,” says ifo expert Stefan Sauer. The all-time high of 49.7% was reached in July 2022.

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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