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ifo Employment Barometer — 24 February 2023

The willingness among companies in Germany to hire new staff has decreased somewhat. In February, the ifo Employment Barometer fell to 99.4 points, down from 100.1 points in January. In view of the shortage of skilled workers, however, it is to be expected that companies in many industries will continue to look for employees.

ifo Export Expectations — 23 February 2023

Sentiment among German exporters has worsened somewhat. In February, the ifo Export Expectations slipped to 3.8 points, down from 4.1 points in January. Weak global demand is currently dampening hopes for German exports.

ifo Business Climate Index for Germany — 22 February 2023

Sentiment has improved among German business leaders. The ifo Business Climate Index rose to 91.1 points in February, up from 90.1 points  in January. Expectations in particular were brighter. However, assessments of the current situation were slightly less good. The German economy is gradually working its way out of a period of weakness.

ifo Center for Energy, Climate, and Resources
Economic Experts Survey (EES) — 13 February 2023

Do economic experts around the world expect a recession in 2023? And what are the long-term expectations for economic development? This round of the Economic Expert Survey (EES) conducted by the ifo Institute and the Swiss Economic Policy Institute examines economists’ expectations for economic growth at the global level.

ifo Business Climate Index for Saxony — 2 February 2023

The ifo Business Climate Index Saxony fell marginally in January. The barometer of business sentiment in Saxony’s economy slipped from 93.7 points in December to 93.6 points in January. While companies in Saxony were slightly less satisfied with their current business situation than in the previous month, they raised their expectations slightly.

ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys
ifo Center for International Institutional Comparisons and Migration Research
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Business Climate Index for Eastern Germany — 31 January 2023

Sentiment among companies in eastern Germany improved marginally in January. The ifo Business Climate Index for the entire regional economy rose to 92.6 points, up from 92.0 points in December. The companies surveyed lowered their assessments of the current situation slightly, while their outlook for the next six months improved a little.

ifo Employment Barometer — 27 January 2023

The willingness among companies in Germany to hire new staff has increased. The ifo Employment Barometer rose to 100.2 points in January, up from 99.6 points in December. As pessimism wanes in the German economy, the labor market is following suit.

ifo Export Expectations — 26 January 2023

Sentiment among German exporters has become brighter. The ifo Export Expectations rose to plus 4.3 points in January, up from plus 2.0 points in December. German exporters are hoping for new momentum at the beginning of the year.

ifo Business Climate Index for Germany — 25 January 2023

Sentiment in the German economy has brightened. The ifo Business Climate Index rose to 90.2 points in January, up from 88.6 points in December. This is due to considerably less pessimistic expectations. Companies were, however, somewhat less satisfied with their current situation. The German economy is starting the new year with more confidence.

Graphic Designer
ifo Business Climate Index for Saxony — 10 January 2023

The ifo Business Climate Index Saxony rose considerably in December. The barometer of business sentiment in Saxony’s economy leaped from 91.8 points in November to 93.8 points. Assessments of the current business situation increased slightly and assessments of business expectations increased noticeably.

ifo Business Climate Index for Eastern Germany — 6 January 2023

Sentiment among companies in eastern Germany once again improved strongly in December. The ifo Business Climate Index for the entire regional economy rose to 92.0 points, up from 89.4 points in November. The companies surveyed raised their overall assessments of the current situation perceptibly, while their outlook for the next six months improved considerably. The economy is on an upward trend.

Economic Experts Survey (EES) — 5 January 2023

How are economists’ expectations for future price developments developing worldwide? Are the central banks’ major interest rate hikes having an impact and can we observe a decline in inflation expectations? The current wave of the Economic Expert Survey (EES) conducted by the ifo Institute and the Swiss Economic Policy Institute examines economists’ inflation expectations at the global level. The result: high inflation rates are still expected worldwide. However, inflation expectations have fallen somewhat compared with expectations in the previous quarter.

ifo Center for the Economics of Education
Economic Experts Survey (EES) — 23 December 2022

In Q4 2022, Europe, South America, and Northern and Central Africa, in particular, are rated significantly more negatively in terms of their ability to cope with economic policy challenges in the future. This picture can also be observed in the assessment of the performance of governments in these regions. This contrasts with North and Central America, large parts of Asia, and Eastern and Western Africa, where both economic 

Randstad ifo Personnel Manager Survey — 23 December 2022

In the fourth quarter of 2022, the Randstad ifo Personnel Manager Survey covered wage developments in 2023 and special payments in the form of the inflation compensation bonus. This bonus is part of the German government’s third relief package, which is intended to offer citizens relief in times of high energy prices and inflation rates. The bonus is tax-free up to an amount of EUR 3,000 until the end of 2024.  Other topics included personnel development in 2023 and the feedback culture in companies.

ifo Employment Barometer — 21 December 2022

The willingness among companies in Germany to hire new staff has dipped slightly. The ifo Employment Barometer reached 99.5 points in December, down from 99.6 points in November. Nevertheless, the employment outlook for the first quarter of 2023 is positive, driven primarily by service providers. Personnel service providers are also optimistic about the coming months.

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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