Zeitschrift (Einzelheft)

CESifo World Economic Survey February 2013

Ifo Institute, Munich, 2013

World Economic Climate: World Economic Climate improves - Economic Expectations: Economic expectations predominantly positive - Inflation: Price increase expected to slow down - Currencies: Moderate rise of US dollar expected - Interest Rates: Sligthly higher long-term interest rates expected - Special Topic: SMEs and their importance to the economy

Schlagwörter: World Economiy Survey, World Economic Climate, Economic Expectations, Inflation, Interest rates, Currencies

Enthaltene Aufsätze

Aufsatz in Zeitschrift
Johanna Garnitz, Gernot Nerb, Klaus Wohlrabe, Tim Oliver Berg
Ifo Institute, Munich, 2013
CESifo World Economic Survey 12 (1), 1-25