Aufsatz in Zeitschrift

CESifo World Economic Survey August 2011

Johanna Garnitz, Gernot Nerb, Klaus Abberger, Teresa Buchen
Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich, 2011

CESifo World Economic Survey 10 (3), 1-26

World Economic Climate: World Economic Climate deteriorates - Economic Expectations: Economic Expectations further downgraded but still positive - Inflation: Inflation pressure remains high despite some softening - Currencies: Yen and euro are seen as somewhat overvalued - Interest Rates: Fewer WES experts expect further increase of short- and long-term interest rates - Special Topic: How should the G20 prioritize selected policy issues during their next summit?

Schlagwörter: World Economic Survey, World Economic Climate, Economic Expectations, Inflation, Currencies, Interest Rates, Special Topic

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Zeitschrift (Einzelheft)
Ifo Instiute for Economic Research, Munich, 2011