
Regional Risk and Resilience Factors – An Analysis for Germany

Client: KfW Bankengruppe
Project period: July 2020 – December 2020
Research Areas:
Project team: Prof. Dr. Joachim Ragnitz, Mona Förtsch, Xenia Frei, Anna Kremer


How resilient are regions with regard to different exogenous shocks? This study investigated which factors may be responsible for regions recovering differently well from shocks. Using the financial crisis, the natural disaster storm "Lothar" as well as local labor market shocks, we examine how resilient German counties are to different shocks.

The development of an empirical analysis concept, with the help of the scientific literature, as well as the definition of the term resilience form the basis of the study. The research shows that German counties can be classified as predominantly resilient, both against the backdrop of short-term shocks, in the case of natural disasters and major labor market changes, and with regard to the medium-term financial crisis.


We develop an empirical analysis concept and define the concept resilience on which our study is based. From the scientific literature we derive the indicators that should be included in our empirical model. We estimate this model by machine learning algorithms to investigate which factors contribute to how a region recovers from an exogenous shock.

Data and other sources

  • VGR der Länder
  • INKAR Datenbank des BBSR
  • Regionaldatenbank der Statistischen Ämter von Bund und Ländern
  • Eurostat


Monograph (Authorship)
Mona Förtsch, Xenia Frei, Anna Kremer, Joachim Ragnitz
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2021
ifo Dresden Studien / 86
Article in Journal
Mona Förtsch, Xenia Frei, Anna Kremer, Lisa-Marie Müller
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2021
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2021, 28, Nr. 2, 09-14
Article in Journal
Mona Förtsch, Xenia Frei, Anna Kremer
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2021
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2021, 28, Nr. 2, 30-33
Article in Journal
Mona Förtsch, Xenia Frei, Anna Kremer
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2021
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2021, 28, Nr. 2, 03-08
Portraitbild Prof. Joachim Ragnitz

Prof. Dr. Joachim Ragnitz

Managing Director ifo Dresden